Wednesday, 9 December 2009
Fap Turbo Insider: Learn How To Be Really Successful With Fapturbo
ATTENTION: Owners of FAP Turbo, the "Real Money Forex Robot": "Here's how you can increase the profitability of FAP Turbo and put more profits ($$$) in your pocket."
"I've followed the FAP Turbo Insider secrets and can honestly say that I feel great trading FAP Turbo with my hard-earned money." Follow Link For Full Story: Fap Turbo Insider
Sam Henrick, FAP Turbo trader
Hello, my name is Sam Henrick. Late last year a friend of mine, Ben, told me about a Forex trading robot he had purchased called FAP Turbo. He told me that this brand-new Forex trading robot was revolutionary and was going to get him out of debt in the matter of a month. Once he was out of debt, Ben said that he planned to use the profits to purchase a new Audi S8 luxury car.
I was extremely skeptical and told Ben to keep me updated on his results with FAP Turbo. A couple months went by and I hadn't heard from Ben. I finally called him and asked how his trading was going. He told me he had been embarrassed to talk to me because he had fallen for the "scam" called FAP Turbo. He hadn't made any money and in fact was in more debt than when he had started.
What a shame! If only Ben had asked me for my advice earlier. I would have been able to investigate further and let him in on the secrets I want to share with you now.
First, a little bit about myself
I have a degree in Computer Science and have worked for or with numerous tech companies and dotcoms (some of whom you are undoubtedly familiar with) over the years. I have led programming teams at these companies in some very high-profile endeavors.
Follow Link For Full Story: Fap Turbo Insider
Along the way I dabbled with buying stocks, and I always dreamed of finding a way to use my vast knowledge of computers to write a program that could trade the stock market for me. I ended up quitting my job with computers in favor of designing, writing, testing, and trading mechanical trading systems for stocks, stock options, futures, and finally Forex. My knowledge of computers and programming was a great foundation for what I do now, but working with the financial markets every day in addition to the excitement of trading has been so much more rewarding for me.
It was too late for Ben, but it is not too late for YOU!
After hearing Ben's story, I purchased FAP Turbo and traded it myself. I quickly uncovered the reasons why Ben lost money. As I read the hundreds of posts on the FAP Turbo member forums I realized that so many more people are making the same mistakes that Ben had! There are several important pieces to the profit puzzle that FAP Turbo does not tell you when you purchase the robot.
FAP Turbo is NOT magical
You may have heard the term "Holy Grail" in relation to trading. This is the belief that there is a single system out there that will generate profits consistently without ever losing money, and it will continue to work forever and other words, a money printing machine. Wouldn't that be nice? The official FAP Turbo web site makes it sound as if it is the Holy Grail. Ben sure thought it was. Ben was so sure that after he installed the robot on his computer, he would not have to think about it or put any effort into it and it would be the answer to all of his financial problems. This is a good time to quote what my dad used to tell me: "Son, if something seems too good to be true, well, it probably IS!
FAP Turbo is not the Holy Grail. It is not going to make you rich in a month or even six. You are not going to be able to quit your job just because you paid $149 for a Forex trading robot. It will not quickly dig you out of debt or help you immediately go out and buy a Ferrari.
Why am I bad-mouthing FAP Turbo?
I have nothing against FAP Turbo, and in fact think it is a great strategy, but right up front I want you to have your expectations set correctly. I once heard this quote about trading systems:
"Most traders take a good system and destroy it by trying to make it into a perfect system."
Follow Link For Full Story: Fap Turbo Insider
FAP Turbo can be extremely profitable and can make a huge difference in your life, but in order to maximize your profit potential and avoid financial ruin (like my friend Ben) you need to be armed with some vital knowledge. You need to know some of the lessons that I have learned the hard way after years and years of being a trader. You need to get the inside scoop on FAP Turbo... what it does, how it works, how to set up the parameters, etc. You need a place to turn when you have questions about the system or your trading and want unbiased answers to your questions.
Finally, YOU can be an INSIDER into the secrets of the successful system trader
Thanks to the despair of my friend Ben, I was motivated to do whatever I can to ensure that this same disaster does not happen to others. I created a community geared towards FAP Turbo traders, as well as those who are interested in learning more about FAP Turbo and other automated trading systems.
It is a place to share tips, tricks, encouragement, secrets, and warnings. It is the place to turn to if you are looking for other people in your geographic area who are interested in making money with a trading robot. It is a place where you can hear directly from me about my successes and failures while trading. A place where I will continually share inside information to make you more profitable.
That's not all. I also wrote down all my insider information, secrets and tips I have learned about FAP Turbo, along with knowledge I have accumulated over the years being a trader. I do not consider it a "how-to" guide to getting rich... rather, I consider it a "Manifesto" which describes exactly how I think people should approach system trading, especially with the FAP Turbo robot. It reveals inside information about FAP Turbo and some secrets that can make your profits explode compared to those who do not follow it. This Manifesto contains vital information to profiting in the long-term with FAP Turbo, in addition to any other trading system.
Follow Link For Full Story: Fap Turbo Insider
What exactly does this Manifesto contain?
* Inside Info: The background behind what FAP Turbo is and what it does
* Exposed: The inside explanation of what makes FAP Turbo tick and why understanding it can affect your profits
* An in-depth discussion of the key parameters of FAP Turbo, whose settings will drastically affect your profits
* Revealed: Some specific parameter changes that will increase your FAP Turbo profits
* The four shocking reasons why some FAP Turbo traders will LOSE MONEY
* Explained: The secrets to finding the right broker for FAP Turbo, and why the wrong broker selection can cost you money!
* And much much more...
The information contained in this Manifesto is information you cannot afford to be without. It is not enough to merely read it, though. If you follow what you read religiously, I GUARANTEE you will profit more than you would have otherwise. Also, having a community of other people at your disposal who have also read the Manifesto and are following its principles is a huge bonus and a big step toward success.
Just look at what one of our members has said:
"I was ready to give up on FAP Turbo until I joined FAP Turbo Insider!"
"I can't believe I thought that FAP Turbo would make me rich over night. FAP Turbo Insider showed me how I was approaching the robot in the wrong way and had it set up totally incorrectly. The information I learned from FAP Turbo Insider is PRICELESS!" -- Trevor Norman (Stockton, CA)
Find out how changing a single parameter improves your FAP Turbo results from this:
to this:
Look how the account's equity curve was smoothed out just by changing one parameter! It also turned that same exact timeframe from negative to positive! That is just one of the specific things you will learn in the Manifesto.
These Small Changes To Your FAP Turbo Settings And Your Approach To Trading Could Skyrocket Your Profits ($$$)
So that begs the question...just what is access to this level of information truly worth?
Follow Link For Full Story: Fap Turbo Insider
Well, that depends on how much money you are trading with:
* If you're trading a $50,000 Forex account, you are either an experienced trader or understand that usually you "need money to make money". The information available to you from FAP Turbo Insider could make a difference of thousands of dollars per month in your favor!
* If you're trading a $10,000 Forex account, you realize that you have a lot of money invested and it is not "play money". On the contrary, it is money you worked hard for and want to see it grow instead of being dumped down the toilet.
* If you're trading a $1,000 Forex account, you understand that you are a small-scale investor or still skeptical of the validity of the FAP Turbo robot. This is perfectly fine. For you, the information contained in the FAP Turbo Insider Club could mean the difference between you quitting FAP Turbo and writing it off as a scam, or using it as a tool to generate long-term profits. Without FAP Turbo Insider, it could mean that you give up on trading altogether thinking that nobody can really make money at it.
So, what this club is worth to you is completely up to how much money you are planning on allocating toward your automatic trading.
Since using these principles and secrets has the potential to let even a small trading account earn more than $500 EVERY MONTH, I think it is safe to say that access to this Manifesto is worth at least a one-time payment of $500 to ANYONE trading with the FAP Turbo robot.
In fact, I believe the Manifesto alone would be a no-brainer at DOUBLE the price!
What is the Insider Club?
Merely reading the Manifesto is not enough to succeed with trading. Sure it will give you LOTS of knowledge, but the key to successful long-term trading is discipline. Listen to what the famed and successful trader, Richard Dennis said on the topic:
"The key is consistency and discipline. Almost anybody can make up a list of rules that are 80% as good as what we taught. What they can't do is give (people) the confidence to stick to those rules even when things are going bad." -- Richard Dennis
Follow Link For Full Story: Fap Turbo Insider
That is where the Insider Club comes in. It would be a waste for you to buy an eBook off the Internet with the hopes of it solving all of your problems or turning you into a wealthy trader. Knowledge is only worth so much. The hard part is the execution and disciple required to succeed. I have set up the Insider Club to do just that. What a better way to achieve this than a community of like-minded people... me included! We gather in the forums to exchange ideas, encouragement, and get to know other system traders. This goes a long way toward providing a level of accountability which is what it takes to succeed with system trading.
* Member Forums: The bread and butter of FAP Turbo Insider after you have read and re-read the Manifesto. Continued interaction with other traders is key to succeeding. This is especially true if you do not consider yourself a trader, but merely someone who wants to make some money on the side by running FAP Turbo!
* Insider Blog: In addition to being very active personally on the forums, I use my blog as a way to share my latest ideas, thoughts, and strategies with our members. Whether it is quick insight regarding FAP Turbo, an update on the performance of my own trading, or an instructional video, you'll find it on the blog.
* Twitter updates: Sometimes I will have a thought come to me at strange hours of the night, or something that is too short to massage into a blog post. I love using Twitter to share those thoughts instantaneously.
* Support: This is a big one. Do you have a problem or a question about FAP Turbo, another Forex robot, your Meta Trader setup, or just trading in general? As an Insider, you can email us your questions and get personal responses!
The SECRET is to be armed with knowledge AND have a community you can turn to for help and encouragement!
Although I believe it is a steal at a much higher price, I do not want people to be turned off to reading this Manifesto and joining the Insider Club because of money. Therefore, I do not want to charge a huge upfront fee in order for you to see what this is all about. I have decided to offer this Manifesto, exclusive access to the Insider Club, including access to the member forum, the Insider Blog and Twitter updates for a one-time payment of $197 plus $47 per month thereafter. Think about it... even if you learn just ONE thing from the vast amount of specific tips and secrets shared in the Manifesto, or in our member forums, you will have most likely paid for months and months worth of the Club membership in just a trade or two. There is no reason not to! If you were willing to invest money in the FAP Turbo robot and put your hard-earned money at risk trading it, you cannot afford not to learn all you can about what it takes to be successful. Do not buy into the web sites out there that make it seem like FAP Turbo is the answer to all of your financial problems -- it is NOT. FAP Turbo Insider will equip you, though, to know how to profit more consistently, stay in the game longer, and not let your emotions get in the way of your success.
There is rarely anything in this life that is a "free lunch". This applies to making money and trading as well. Do you really think getting rich is as easy as paying $149 for a Forex trading robot, then sitting back and watching your account grow and grow and grow? You are smarter than that. Learning as much as you can about FAP Turbo as well as hearing my inside tips and tricks could be just what you need to REALLY succeed!
"I'm realizing that I was able to pay just $147 for information that others learned after losing thousands of dollars making trading mistakes!"
"FAP Turbo Insider changed how I approach Forex trading robots. I don't fall for the sales pages of the various robots that talk about getting rich quickly but instead I know that I am doing the right thing to help me continue to profit in any type of economy, for the long-run." -- Daniel Kim (Orlando, FL)
ATTENTION: The subscription price WILL go up soon!
Follow Link For Full Story: Fap Turbo Insider
This is not a tactic to get you subscribe immediately even though the price always stays the same. I am intentionally offering access to FAP Turbo Insider at a much lower price than what it is worth for a short time to ensure that as many people as possible can join the community, share information, learn from others, and start thinking more about what they can do to increase their trading profits. The price will only stay this low for a limited time. After that time, it will go dramatically up.
I'm so confident that FAP Turbo Insider will be helpful to you I am offering a no-questions-asked guarantee!
I know how sometimes I hesitate buying something on the Internet because I am not quite sure if I can believe what I read. A product might seem good, but then I begin to doubt it because it seems too good to be true.
I don't want you to worry about that. I want you to try FAP Turbo Insider, read the Manifesto in its entirety, and poke around the Member Forums. If you are not completely satisfied in 60 days, then I will be happy to refund the entire purchase price!
I am willing to do this because I know that the price of the program is just a drop in the bucket to the amount of money this information will save you over your lifetime of trading, in addition to the amount of money it will MAKE you!
DISCLAIMER: Just in case you missed it, the price of $147 + $47/month is not the final price. It is a sale price that I am offering for a limited time only. Please don't complain when the price doubles without notice.
Get the FAP Turbo Insider Manifesto and Access to the Exclusive Insider Club
YES! Sam, I understand that by ordering I will receive the FAP Turbo Insider Manifesto, along with exclusive access to the Member Forum, private blog, and Twitter updates.
I acknowledge I want to take control of my destiny and not just rely blindly on a robot I purchased off the Internet to solve my financial problems.
I will pay $197 for immediate access to the Manifesto and the Insider Club and will pay $47 every month thereafter for continued access.
Retail Price: $500 + $99/month
Sale Price: $197 + $47/month
Follow Link For Full Story: Fap Turbo Insider
I also agree to the terms and conditions Add to Cart I wish you success beyond your wildest dreams!
Happy Trading,
Sam Henrick, Creator of FAP Turbo Insider
WARNING: If you don't apply the principles taught in the FAP Turbo Insider Manifesto you may LOSE MONEY!
P.S. If you were willing to spend the money on the FAP Turbo robot, and you are planning to try it with real money, then you OWE it to yourself to be informed. You need to learn some basics about the robot that they do NOT tell you when you purchase it and you need a community support system as you continue to trade it. You will set yourself up for failure if you do not go into it with a logical plan and just hope to get rich quickly. CLICK HERE
REMEMBER: You have nothing to lose.
P.P.S. As I stated above, I GUARANTEE you will find the FAP Turbo Insider Manifesto and Insider Club worth more to you than the purchase price or your money back!.
Don't already own FAP Turbo?
P.P.P.S. If you do not already own the FAP Turbo robot, or you would like to buy another copy, you can purchase FAP Turbo here. Then make sure to get the knowledge you need as well as the valuable community by joining FAP Turbo Insider!
Risk Disclosure: The information on this site is for educational purpose only. Past performances do not guarantee future results. FOREX Trading involves substantial risk and there is always the potential for loss. Your trading results may vary. Trade only capital you can afford to lose. We assume no liability for losses incurred using the information on this site.
Follow Link For Full Story: Fap Turbo Insider
CFTC - U.S. Government Required Disclaimer: Forex, Futures and options trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the futures and options markets. Don't trade with money you can't afford to lose.
This website is neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy/Sell futures or options. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this website. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results. Substantial risk is involved. Forex trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk.
You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the Forex markets. Don't trade with money you can't afford to lose. Nothing in our course or website shall be deemed a solicitation or an offer to Buy/sell futures and/or options. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on our site.
Also, the past performance of any trading methodology is not necessarily indicative of futures results. Trading involves high risks and you can lose a lot of money.
Follow Link For Full Story: Fap Turbo Insider
"I've followed the FAP Turbo Insider secrets and can honestly say that I feel great trading FAP Turbo with my hard-earned money." Follow Link For Full Story: Fap Turbo Insider
Sam Henrick, FAP Turbo trader
Hello, my name is Sam Henrick. Late last year a friend of mine, Ben, told me about a Forex trading robot he had purchased called FAP Turbo. He told me that this brand-new Forex trading robot was revolutionary and was going to get him out of debt in the matter of a month. Once he was out of debt, Ben said that he planned to use the profits to purchase a new Audi S8 luxury car.
I was extremely skeptical and told Ben to keep me updated on his results with FAP Turbo. A couple months went by and I hadn't heard from Ben. I finally called him and asked how his trading was going. He told me he had been embarrassed to talk to me because he had fallen for the "scam" called FAP Turbo. He hadn't made any money and in fact was in more debt than when he had started.
What a shame! If only Ben had asked me for my advice earlier. I would have been able to investigate further and let him in on the secrets I want to share with you now.
First, a little bit about myself
I have a degree in Computer Science and have worked for or with numerous tech companies and dotcoms (some of whom you are undoubtedly familiar with) over the years. I have led programming teams at these companies in some very high-profile endeavors.
Follow Link For Full Story: Fap Turbo Insider
Along the way I dabbled with buying stocks, and I always dreamed of finding a way to use my vast knowledge of computers to write a program that could trade the stock market for me. I ended up quitting my job with computers in favor of designing, writing, testing, and trading mechanical trading systems for stocks, stock options, futures, and finally Forex. My knowledge of computers and programming was a great foundation for what I do now, but working with the financial markets every day in addition to the excitement of trading has been so much more rewarding for me.
It was too late for Ben, but it is not too late for YOU!
After hearing Ben's story, I purchased FAP Turbo and traded it myself. I quickly uncovered the reasons why Ben lost money. As I read the hundreds of posts on the FAP Turbo member forums I realized that so many more people are making the same mistakes that Ben had! There are several important pieces to the profit puzzle that FAP Turbo does not tell you when you purchase the robot.
FAP Turbo is NOT magical
You may have heard the term "Holy Grail" in relation to trading. This is the belief that there is a single system out there that will generate profits consistently without ever losing money, and it will continue to work forever and other words, a money printing machine. Wouldn't that be nice? The official FAP Turbo web site makes it sound as if it is the Holy Grail. Ben sure thought it was. Ben was so sure that after he installed the robot on his computer, he would not have to think about it or put any effort into it and it would be the answer to all of his financial problems. This is a good time to quote what my dad used to tell me: "Son, if something seems too good to be true, well, it probably IS!
FAP Turbo is not the Holy Grail. It is not going to make you rich in a month or even six. You are not going to be able to quit your job just because you paid $149 for a Forex trading robot. It will not quickly dig you out of debt or help you immediately go out and buy a Ferrari.
Why am I bad-mouthing FAP Turbo?
I have nothing against FAP Turbo, and in fact think it is a great strategy, but right up front I want you to have your expectations set correctly. I once heard this quote about trading systems:
"Most traders take a good system and destroy it by trying to make it into a perfect system."
Follow Link For Full Story: Fap Turbo Insider
FAP Turbo can be extremely profitable and can make a huge difference in your life, but in order to maximize your profit potential and avoid financial ruin (like my friend Ben) you need to be armed with some vital knowledge. You need to know some of the lessons that I have learned the hard way after years and years of being a trader. You need to get the inside scoop on FAP Turbo... what it does, how it works, how to set up the parameters, etc. You need a place to turn when you have questions about the system or your trading and want unbiased answers to your questions.
Finally, YOU can be an INSIDER into the secrets of the successful system trader
Thanks to the despair of my friend Ben, I was motivated to do whatever I can to ensure that this same disaster does not happen to others. I created a community geared towards FAP Turbo traders, as well as those who are interested in learning more about FAP Turbo and other automated trading systems.
It is a place to share tips, tricks, encouragement, secrets, and warnings. It is the place to turn to if you are looking for other people in your geographic area who are interested in making money with a trading robot. It is a place where you can hear directly from me about my successes and failures while trading. A place where I will continually share inside information to make you more profitable.
That's not all. I also wrote down all my insider information, secrets and tips I have learned about FAP Turbo, along with knowledge I have accumulated over the years being a trader. I do not consider it a "how-to" guide to getting rich... rather, I consider it a "Manifesto" which describes exactly how I think people should approach system trading, especially with the FAP Turbo robot. It reveals inside information about FAP Turbo and some secrets that can make your profits explode compared to those who do not follow it. This Manifesto contains vital information to profiting in the long-term with FAP Turbo, in addition to any other trading system.
Follow Link For Full Story: Fap Turbo Insider
What exactly does this Manifesto contain?
* Inside Info: The background behind what FAP Turbo is and what it does
* Exposed: The inside explanation of what makes FAP Turbo tick and why understanding it can affect your profits
* An in-depth discussion of the key parameters of FAP Turbo, whose settings will drastically affect your profits
* Revealed: Some specific parameter changes that will increase your FAP Turbo profits
* The four shocking reasons why some FAP Turbo traders will LOSE MONEY
* Explained: The secrets to finding the right broker for FAP Turbo, and why the wrong broker selection can cost you money!
* And much much more...
The information contained in this Manifesto is information you cannot afford to be without. It is not enough to merely read it, though. If you follow what you read religiously, I GUARANTEE you will profit more than you would have otherwise. Also, having a community of other people at your disposal who have also read the Manifesto and are following its principles is a huge bonus and a big step toward success.
Just look at what one of our members has said:
"I was ready to give up on FAP Turbo until I joined FAP Turbo Insider!"
"I can't believe I thought that FAP Turbo would make me rich over night. FAP Turbo Insider showed me how I was approaching the robot in the wrong way and had it set up totally incorrectly. The information I learned from FAP Turbo Insider is PRICELESS!" -- Trevor Norman (Stockton, CA)
Find out how changing a single parameter improves your FAP Turbo results from this:
to this:
Look how the account's equity curve was smoothed out just by changing one parameter! It also turned that same exact timeframe from negative to positive! That is just one of the specific things you will learn in the Manifesto.
These Small Changes To Your FAP Turbo Settings And Your Approach To Trading Could Skyrocket Your Profits ($$$)
So that begs the question...just what is access to this level of information truly worth?
Follow Link For Full Story: Fap Turbo Insider
Well, that depends on how much money you are trading with:
* If you're trading a $50,000 Forex account, you are either an experienced trader or understand that usually you "need money to make money". The information available to you from FAP Turbo Insider could make a difference of thousands of dollars per month in your favor!
* If you're trading a $10,000 Forex account, you realize that you have a lot of money invested and it is not "play money". On the contrary, it is money you worked hard for and want to see it grow instead of being dumped down the toilet.
* If you're trading a $1,000 Forex account, you understand that you are a small-scale investor or still skeptical of the validity of the FAP Turbo robot. This is perfectly fine. For you, the information contained in the FAP Turbo Insider Club could mean the difference between you quitting FAP Turbo and writing it off as a scam, or using it as a tool to generate long-term profits. Without FAP Turbo Insider, it could mean that you give up on trading altogether thinking that nobody can really make money at it.
So, what this club is worth to you is completely up to how much money you are planning on allocating toward your automatic trading.
Since using these principles and secrets has the potential to let even a small trading account earn more than $500 EVERY MONTH, I think it is safe to say that access to this Manifesto is worth at least a one-time payment of $500 to ANYONE trading with the FAP Turbo robot.
In fact, I believe the Manifesto alone would be a no-brainer at DOUBLE the price!
What is the Insider Club?
Merely reading the Manifesto is not enough to succeed with trading. Sure it will give you LOTS of knowledge, but the key to successful long-term trading is discipline. Listen to what the famed and successful trader, Richard Dennis said on the topic:
"The key is consistency and discipline. Almost anybody can make up a list of rules that are 80% as good as what we taught. What they can't do is give (people) the confidence to stick to those rules even when things are going bad." -- Richard Dennis
Follow Link For Full Story: Fap Turbo Insider
That is where the Insider Club comes in. It would be a waste for you to buy an eBook off the Internet with the hopes of it solving all of your problems or turning you into a wealthy trader. Knowledge is only worth so much. The hard part is the execution and disciple required to succeed. I have set up the Insider Club to do just that. What a better way to achieve this than a community of like-minded people... me included! We gather in the forums to exchange ideas, encouragement, and get to know other system traders. This goes a long way toward providing a level of accountability which is what it takes to succeed with system trading.
* Member Forums: The bread and butter of FAP Turbo Insider after you have read and re-read the Manifesto. Continued interaction with other traders is key to succeeding. This is especially true if you do not consider yourself a trader, but merely someone who wants to make some money on the side by running FAP Turbo!
* Insider Blog: In addition to being very active personally on the forums, I use my blog as a way to share my latest ideas, thoughts, and strategies with our members. Whether it is quick insight regarding FAP Turbo, an update on the performance of my own trading, or an instructional video, you'll find it on the blog.
* Twitter updates: Sometimes I will have a thought come to me at strange hours of the night, or something that is too short to massage into a blog post. I love using Twitter to share those thoughts instantaneously.
* Support: This is a big one. Do you have a problem or a question about FAP Turbo, another Forex robot, your Meta Trader setup, or just trading in general? As an Insider, you can email us your questions and get personal responses!
The SECRET is to be armed with knowledge AND have a community you can turn to for help and encouragement!
Although I believe it is a steal at a much higher price, I do not want people to be turned off to reading this Manifesto and joining the Insider Club because of money. Therefore, I do not want to charge a huge upfront fee in order for you to see what this is all about. I have decided to offer this Manifesto, exclusive access to the Insider Club, including access to the member forum, the Insider Blog and Twitter updates for a one-time payment of $197 plus $47 per month thereafter. Think about it... even if you learn just ONE thing from the vast amount of specific tips and secrets shared in the Manifesto, or in our member forums, you will have most likely paid for months and months worth of the Club membership in just a trade or two. There is no reason not to! If you were willing to invest money in the FAP Turbo robot and put your hard-earned money at risk trading it, you cannot afford not to learn all you can about what it takes to be successful. Do not buy into the web sites out there that make it seem like FAP Turbo is the answer to all of your financial problems -- it is NOT. FAP Turbo Insider will equip you, though, to know how to profit more consistently, stay in the game longer, and not let your emotions get in the way of your success.
There is rarely anything in this life that is a "free lunch". This applies to making money and trading as well. Do you really think getting rich is as easy as paying $149 for a Forex trading robot, then sitting back and watching your account grow and grow and grow? You are smarter than that. Learning as much as you can about FAP Turbo as well as hearing my inside tips and tricks could be just what you need to REALLY succeed!
"I'm realizing that I was able to pay just $147 for information that others learned after losing thousands of dollars making trading mistakes!"
"FAP Turbo Insider changed how I approach Forex trading robots. I don't fall for the sales pages of the various robots that talk about getting rich quickly but instead I know that I am doing the right thing to help me continue to profit in any type of economy, for the long-run." -- Daniel Kim (Orlando, FL)
ATTENTION: The subscription price WILL go up soon!
Follow Link For Full Story: Fap Turbo Insider
This is not a tactic to get you subscribe immediately even though the price always stays the same. I am intentionally offering access to FAP Turbo Insider at a much lower price than what it is worth for a short time to ensure that as many people as possible can join the community, share information, learn from others, and start thinking more about what they can do to increase their trading profits. The price will only stay this low for a limited time. After that time, it will go dramatically up.
I'm so confident that FAP Turbo Insider will be helpful to you I am offering a no-questions-asked guarantee!
I know how sometimes I hesitate buying something on the Internet because I am not quite sure if I can believe what I read. A product might seem good, but then I begin to doubt it because it seems too good to be true.
I don't want you to worry about that. I want you to try FAP Turbo Insider, read the Manifesto in its entirety, and poke around the Member Forums. If you are not completely satisfied in 60 days, then I will be happy to refund the entire purchase price!
I am willing to do this because I know that the price of the program is just a drop in the bucket to the amount of money this information will save you over your lifetime of trading, in addition to the amount of money it will MAKE you!
DISCLAIMER: Just in case you missed it, the price of $147 + $47/month is not the final price. It is a sale price that I am offering for a limited time only. Please don't complain when the price doubles without notice.
Get the FAP Turbo Insider Manifesto and Access to the Exclusive Insider Club
YES! Sam, I understand that by ordering I will receive the FAP Turbo Insider Manifesto, along with exclusive access to the Member Forum, private blog, and Twitter updates.
I acknowledge I want to take control of my destiny and not just rely blindly on a robot I purchased off the Internet to solve my financial problems.
I will pay $197 for immediate access to the Manifesto and the Insider Club and will pay $47 every month thereafter for continued access.
Retail Price: $500 + $99/month
Sale Price: $197 + $47/month
Follow Link For Full Story: Fap Turbo Insider
I also agree to the terms and conditions Add to Cart I wish you success beyond your wildest dreams!
Happy Trading,
Sam Henrick, Creator of FAP Turbo Insider
WARNING: If you don't apply the principles taught in the FAP Turbo Insider Manifesto you may LOSE MONEY!
P.S. If you were willing to spend the money on the FAP Turbo robot, and you are planning to try it with real money, then you OWE it to yourself to be informed. You need to learn some basics about the robot that they do NOT tell you when you purchase it and you need a community support system as you continue to trade it. You will set yourself up for failure if you do not go into it with a logical plan and just hope to get rich quickly. CLICK HERE
REMEMBER: You have nothing to lose.
P.P.S. As I stated above, I GUARANTEE you will find the FAP Turbo Insider Manifesto and Insider Club worth more to you than the purchase price or your money back!.
Don't already own FAP Turbo?
P.P.P.S. If you do not already own the FAP Turbo robot, or you would like to buy another copy, you can purchase FAP Turbo here. Then make sure to get the knowledge you need as well as the valuable community by joining FAP Turbo Insider!
Risk Disclosure: The information on this site is for educational purpose only. Past performances do not guarantee future results. FOREX Trading involves substantial risk and there is always the potential for loss. Your trading results may vary. Trade only capital you can afford to lose. We assume no liability for losses incurred using the information on this site.
Follow Link For Full Story: Fap Turbo Insider
CFTC - U.S. Government Required Disclaimer: Forex, Futures and options trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the futures and options markets. Don't trade with money you can't afford to lose.
This website is neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy/Sell futures or options. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this website. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results. Substantial risk is involved. Forex trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk.
You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the Forex markets. Don't trade with money you can't afford to lose. Nothing in our course or website shall be deemed a solicitation or an offer to Buy/sell futures and/or options. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on our site.
Also, the past performance of any trading methodology is not necessarily indicative of futures results. Trading involves high risks and you can lose a lot of money.
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