Wednesday, 9 December 2009
Fap Turbo Insider: Learn How To Be Really Successful With Fapturbo
ATTENTION: Owners of FAP Turbo, the "Real Money Forex Robot": "Here's how you can increase the profitability of FAP Turbo and put more profits ($$$) in your pocket."
"I've followed the FAP Turbo Insider secrets and can honestly say that I feel great trading FAP Turbo with my hard-earned money." Follow Link For Full Story: Fap Turbo Insider
Sam Henrick, FAP Turbo trader
Hello, my name is Sam Henrick. Late last year a friend of mine, Ben, told me about a Forex trading robot he had purchased called FAP Turbo. He told me that this brand-new Forex trading robot was revolutionary and was going to get him out of debt in the matter of a month. Once he was out of debt, Ben said that he planned to use the profits to purchase a new Audi S8 luxury car.
I was extremely skeptical and told Ben to keep me updated on his results with FAP Turbo. A couple months went by and I hadn't heard from Ben. I finally called him and asked how his trading was going. He told me he had been embarrassed to talk to me because he had fallen for the "scam" called FAP Turbo. He hadn't made any money and in fact was in more debt than when he had started.
What a shame! If only Ben had asked me for my advice earlier. I would have been able to investigate further and let him in on the secrets I want to share with you now.
First, a little bit about myself
I have a degree in Computer Science and have worked for or with numerous tech companies and dotcoms (some of whom you are undoubtedly familiar with) over the years. I have led programming teams at these companies in some very high-profile endeavors.
Follow Link For Full Story: Fap Turbo Insider
Along the way I dabbled with buying stocks, and I always dreamed of finding a way to use my vast knowledge of computers to write a program that could trade the stock market for me. I ended up quitting my job with computers in favor of designing, writing, testing, and trading mechanical trading systems for stocks, stock options, futures, and finally Forex. My knowledge of computers and programming was a great foundation for what I do now, but working with the financial markets every day in addition to the excitement of trading has been so much more rewarding for me.
It was too late for Ben, but it is not too late for YOU!
After hearing Ben's story, I purchased FAP Turbo and traded it myself. I quickly uncovered the reasons why Ben lost money. As I read the hundreds of posts on the FAP Turbo member forums I realized that so many more people are making the same mistakes that Ben had! There are several important pieces to the profit puzzle that FAP Turbo does not tell you when you purchase the robot.
FAP Turbo is NOT magical
You may have heard the term "Holy Grail" in relation to trading. This is the belief that there is a single system out there that will generate profits consistently without ever losing money, and it will continue to work forever and other words, a money printing machine. Wouldn't that be nice? The official FAP Turbo web site makes it sound as if it is the Holy Grail. Ben sure thought it was. Ben was so sure that after he installed the robot on his computer, he would not have to think about it or put any effort into it and it would be the answer to all of his financial problems. This is a good time to quote what my dad used to tell me: "Son, if something seems too good to be true, well, it probably IS!
FAP Turbo is not the Holy Grail. It is not going to make you rich in a month or even six. You are not going to be able to quit your job just because you paid $149 for a Forex trading robot. It will not quickly dig you out of debt or help you immediately go out and buy a Ferrari.
Why am I bad-mouthing FAP Turbo?
I have nothing against FAP Turbo, and in fact think it is a great strategy, but right up front I want you to have your expectations set correctly. I once heard this quote about trading systems:
"Most traders take a good system and destroy it by trying to make it into a perfect system."
Follow Link For Full Story: Fap Turbo Insider
FAP Turbo can be extremely profitable and can make a huge difference in your life, but in order to maximize your profit potential and avoid financial ruin (like my friend Ben) you need to be armed with some vital knowledge. You need to know some of the lessons that I have learned the hard way after years and years of being a trader. You need to get the inside scoop on FAP Turbo... what it does, how it works, how to set up the parameters, etc. You need a place to turn when you have questions about the system or your trading and want unbiased answers to your questions.
Finally, YOU can be an INSIDER into the secrets of the successful system trader
Thanks to the despair of my friend Ben, I was motivated to do whatever I can to ensure that this same disaster does not happen to others. I created a community geared towards FAP Turbo traders, as well as those who are interested in learning more about FAP Turbo and other automated trading systems.
It is a place to share tips, tricks, encouragement, secrets, and warnings. It is the place to turn to if you are looking for other people in your geographic area who are interested in making money with a trading robot. It is a place where you can hear directly from me about my successes and failures while trading. A place where I will continually share inside information to make you more profitable.
That's not all. I also wrote down all my insider information, secrets and tips I have learned about FAP Turbo, along with knowledge I have accumulated over the years being a trader. I do not consider it a "how-to" guide to getting rich... rather, I consider it a "Manifesto" which describes exactly how I think people should approach system trading, especially with the FAP Turbo robot. It reveals inside information about FAP Turbo and some secrets that can make your profits explode compared to those who do not follow it. This Manifesto contains vital information to profiting in the long-term with FAP Turbo, in addition to any other trading system.
Follow Link For Full Story: Fap Turbo Insider
What exactly does this Manifesto contain?
* Inside Info: The background behind what FAP Turbo is and what it does
* Exposed: The inside explanation of what makes FAP Turbo tick and why understanding it can affect your profits
* An in-depth discussion of the key parameters of FAP Turbo, whose settings will drastically affect your profits
* Revealed: Some specific parameter changes that will increase your FAP Turbo profits
* The four shocking reasons why some FAP Turbo traders will LOSE MONEY
* Explained: The secrets to finding the right broker for FAP Turbo, and why the wrong broker selection can cost you money!
* And much much more...
The information contained in this Manifesto is information you cannot afford to be without. It is not enough to merely read it, though. If you follow what you read religiously, I GUARANTEE you will profit more than you would have otherwise. Also, having a community of other people at your disposal who have also read the Manifesto and are following its principles is a huge bonus and a big step toward success.
Just look at what one of our members has said:
"I was ready to give up on FAP Turbo until I joined FAP Turbo Insider!"
"I can't believe I thought that FAP Turbo would make me rich over night. FAP Turbo Insider showed me how I was approaching the robot in the wrong way and had it set up totally incorrectly. The information I learned from FAP Turbo Insider is PRICELESS!" -- Trevor Norman (Stockton, CA)
Find out how changing a single parameter improves your FAP Turbo results from this:
to this:
Look how the account's equity curve was smoothed out just by changing one parameter! It also turned that same exact timeframe from negative to positive! That is just one of the specific things you will learn in the Manifesto.
These Small Changes To Your FAP Turbo Settings And Your Approach To Trading Could Skyrocket Your Profits ($$$)
So that begs the question...just what is access to this level of information truly worth?
Follow Link For Full Story: Fap Turbo Insider
Well, that depends on how much money you are trading with:
* If you're trading a $50,000 Forex account, you are either an experienced trader or understand that usually you "need money to make money". The information available to you from FAP Turbo Insider could make a difference of thousands of dollars per month in your favor!
* If you're trading a $10,000 Forex account, you realize that you have a lot of money invested and it is not "play money". On the contrary, it is money you worked hard for and want to see it grow instead of being dumped down the toilet.
* If you're trading a $1,000 Forex account, you understand that you are a small-scale investor or still skeptical of the validity of the FAP Turbo robot. This is perfectly fine. For you, the information contained in the FAP Turbo Insider Club could mean the difference between you quitting FAP Turbo and writing it off as a scam, or using it as a tool to generate long-term profits. Without FAP Turbo Insider, it could mean that you give up on trading altogether thinking that nobody can really make money at it.
So, what this club is worth to you is completely up to how much money you are planning on allocating toward your automatic trading.
Since using these principles and secrets has the potential to let even a small trading account earn more than $500 EVERY MONTH, I think it is safe to say that access to this Manifesto is worth at least a one-time payment of $500 to ANYONE trading with the FAP Turbo robot.
In fact, I believe the Manifesto alone would be a no-brainer at DOUBLE the price!
What is the Insider Club?
Merely reading the Manifesto is not enough to succeed with trading. Sure it will give you LOTS of knowledge, but the key to successful long-term trading is discipline. Listen to what the famed and successful trader, Richard Dennis said on the topic:
"The key is consistency and discipline. Almost anybody can make up a list of rules that are 80% as good as what we taught. What they can't do is give (people) the confidence to stick to those rules even when things are going bad." -- Richard Dennis
Follow Link For Full Story: Fap Turbo Insider
That is where the Insider Club comes in. It would be a waste for you to buy an eBook off the Internet with the hopes of it solving all of your problems or turning you into a wealthy trader. Knowledge is only worth so much. The hard part is the execution and disciple required to succeed. I have set up the Insider Club to do just that. What a better way to achieve this than a community of like-minded people... me included! We gather in the forums to exchange ideas, encouragement, and get to know other system traders. This goes a long way toward providing a level of accountability which is what it takes to succeed with system trading.
* Member Forums: The bread and butter of FAP Turbo Insider after you have read and re-read the Manifesto. Continued interaction with other traders is key to succeeding. This is especially true if you do not consider yourself a trader, but merely someone who wants to make some money on the side by running FAP Turbo!
* Insider Blog: In addition to being very active personally on the forums, I use my blog as a way to share my latest ideas, thoughts, and strategies with our members. Whether it is quick insight regarding FAP Turbo, an update on the performance of my own trading, or an instructional video, you'll find it on the blog.
* Twitter updates: Sometimes I will have a thought come to me at strange hours of the night, or something that is too short to massage into a blog post. I love using Twitter to share those thoughts instantaneously.
* Support: This is a big one. Do you have a problem or a question about FAP Turbo, another Forex robot, your Meta Trader setup, or just trading in general? As an Insider, you can email us your questions and get personal responses!
The SECRET is to be armed with knowledge AND have a community you can turn to for help and encouragement!
Although I believe it is a steal at a much higher price, I do not want people to be turned off to reading this Manifesto and joining the Insider Club because of money. Therefore, I do not want to charge a huge upfront fee in order for you to see what this is all about. I have decided to offer this Manifesto, exclusive access to the Insider Club, including access to the member forum, the Insider Blog and Twitter updates for a one-time payment of $197 plus $47 per month thereafter. Think about it... even if you learn just ONE thing from the vast amount of specific tips and secrets shared in the Manifesto, or in our member forums, you will have most likely paid for months and months worth of the Club membership in just a trade or two. There is no reason not to! If you were willing to invest money in the FAP Turbo robot and put your hard-earned money at risk trading it, you cannot afford not to learn all you can about what it takes to be successful. Do not buy into the web sites out there that make it seem like FAP Turbo is the answer to all of your financial problems -- it is NOT. FAP Turbo Insider will equip you, though, to know how to profit more consistently, stay in the game longer, and not let your emotions get in the way of your success.
There is rarely anything in this life that is a "free lunch". This applies to making money and trading as well. Do you really think getting rich is as easy as paying $149 for a Forex trading robot, then sitting back and watching your account grow and grow and grow? You are smarter than that. Learning as much as you can about FAP Turbo as well as hearing my inside tips and tricks could be just what you need to REALLY succeed!
"I'm realizing that I was able to pay just $147 for information that others learned after losing thousands of dollars making trading mistakes!"
"FAP Turbo Insider changed how I approach Forex trading robots. I don't fall for the sales pages of the various robots that talk about getting rich quickly but instead I know that I am doing the right thing to help me continue to profit in any type of economy, for the long-run." -- Daniel Kim (Orlando, FL)
ATTENTION: The subscription price WILL go up soon!
Follow Link For Full Story: Fap Turbo Insider
This is not a tactic to get you subscribe immediately even though the price always stays the same. I am intentionally offering access to FAP Turbo Insider at a much lower price than what it is worth for a short time to ensure that as many people as possible can join the community, share information, learn from others, and start thinking more about what they can do to increase their trading profits. The price will only stay this low for a limited time. After that time, it will go dramatically up.
I'm so confident that FAP Turbo Insider will be helpful to you I am offering a no-questions-asked guarantee!
I know how sometimes I hesitate buying something on the Internet because I am not quite sure if I can believe what I read. A product might seem good, but then I begin to doubt it because it seems too good to be true.
I don't want you to worry about that. I want you to try FAP Turbo Insider, read the Manifesto in its entirety, and poke around the Member Forums. If you are not completely satisfied in 60 days, then I will be happy to refund the entire purchase price!
I am willing to do this because I know that the price of the program is just a drop in the bucket to the amount of money this information will save you over your lifetime of trading, in addition to the amount of money it will MAKE you!
DISCLAIMER: Just in case you missed it, the price of $147 + $47/month is not the final price. It is a sale price that I am offering for a limited time only. Please don't complain when the price doubles without notice.
Get the FAP Turbo Insider Manifesto and Access to the Exclusive Insider Club
YES! Sam, I understand that by ordering I will receive the FAP Turbo Insider Manifesto, along with exclusive access to the Member Forum, private blog, and Twitter updates.
I acknowledge I want to take control of my destiny and not just rely blindly on a robot I purchased off the Internet to solve my financial problems.
I will pay $197 for immediate access to the Manifesto and the Insider Club and will pay $47 every month thereafter for continued access.
Retail Price: $500 + $99/month
Sale Price: $197 + $47/month
Follow Link For Full Story: Fap Turbo Insider
I also agree to the terms and conditions Add to Cart I wish you success beyond your wildest dreams!
Happy Trading,
Sam Henrick, Creator of FAP Turbo Insider
WARNING: If you don't apply the principles taught in the FAP Turbo Insider Manifesto you may LOSE MONEY!
P.S. If you were willing to spend the money on the FAP Turbo robot, and you are planning to try it with real money, then you OWE it to yourself to be informed. You need to learn some basics about the robot that they do NOT tell you when you purchase it and you need a community support system as you continue to trade it. You will set yourself up for failure if you do not go into it with a logical plan and just hope to get rich quickly. CLICK HERE
REMEMBER: You have nothing to lose.
P.P.S. As I stated above, I GUARANTEE you will find the FAP Turbo Insider Manifesto and Insider Club worth more to you than the purchase price or your money back!.
Don't already own FAP Turbo?
P.P.P.S. If you do not already own the FAP Turbo robot, or you would like to buy another copy, you can purchase FAP Turbo here. Then make sure to get the knowledge you need as well as the valuable community by joining FAP Turbo Insider!
Risk Disclosure: The information on this site is for educational purpose only. Past performances do not guarantee future results. FOREX Trading involves substantial risk and there is always the potential for loss. Your trading results may vary. Trade only capital you can afford to lose. We assume no liability for losses incurred using the information on this site.
Follow Link For Full Story: Fap Turbo Insider
CFTC - U.S. Government Required Disclaimer: Forex, Futures and options trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the futures and options markets. Don't trade with money you can't afford to lose.
This website is neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy/Sell futures or options. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this website. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results. Substantial risk is involved. Forex trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk.
You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the Forex markets. Don't trade with money you can't afford to lose. Nothing in our course or website shall be deemed a solicitation or an offer to Buy/sell futures and/or options. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on our site.
Also, the past performance of any trading methodology is not necessarily indicative of futures results. Trading involves high risks and you can lose a lot of money.
Follow Link For Full Story: Fap Turbo Insider
"I've followed the FAP Turbo Insider secrets and can honestly say that I feel great trading FAP Turbo with my hard-earned money." Follow Link For Full Story: Fap Turbo Insider
Sam Henrick, FAP Turbo trader
Hello, my name is Sam Henrick. Late last year a friend of mine, Ben, told me about a Forex trading robot he had purchased called FAP Turbo. He told me that this brand-new Forex trading robot was revolutionary and was going to get him out of debt in the matter of a month. Once he was out of debt, Ben said that he planned to use the profits to purchase a new Audi S8 luxury car.
I was extremely skeptical and told Ben to keep me updated on his results with FAP Turbo. A couple months went by and I hadn't heard from Ben. I finally called him and asked how his trading was going. He told me he had been embarrassed to talk to me because he had fallen for the "scam" called FAP Turbo. He hadn't made any money and in fact was in more debt than when he had started.
What a shame! If only Ben had asked me for my advice earlier. I would have been able to investigate further and let him in on the secrets I want to share with you now.
First, a little bit about myself
I have a degree in Computer Science and have worked for or with numerous tech companies and dotcoms (some of whom you are undoubtedly familiar with) over the years. I have led programming teams at these companies in some very high-profile endeavors.
Follow Link For Full Story: Fap Turbo Insider
Along the way I dabbled with buying stocks, and I always dreamed of finding a way to use my vast knowledge of computers to write a program that could trade the stock market for me. I ended up quitting my job with computers in favor of designing, writing, testing, and trading mechanical trading systems for stocks, stock options, futures, and finally Forex. My knowledge of computers and programming was a great foundation for what I do now, but working with the financial markets every day in addition to the excitement of trading has been so much more rewarding for me.
It was too late for Ben, but it is not too late for YOU!
After hearing Ben's story, I purchased FAP Turbo and traded it myself. I quickly uncovered the reasons why Ben lost money. As I read the hundreds of posts on the FAP Turbo member forums I realized that so many more people are making the same mistakes that Ben had! There are several important pieces to the profit puzzle that FAP Turbo does not tell you when you purchase the robot.
FAP Turbo is NOT magical
You may have heard the term "Holy Grail" in relation to trading. This is the belief that there is a single system out there that will generate profits consistently without ever losing money, and it will continue to work forever and other words, a money printing machine. Wouldn't that be nice? The official FAP Turbo web site makes it sound as if it is the Holy Grail. Ben sure thought it was. Ben was so sure that after he installed the robot on his computer, he would not have to think about it or put any effort into it and it would be the answer to all of his financial problems. This is a good time to quote what my dad used to tell me: "Son, if something seems too good to be true, well, it probably IS!
FAP Turbo is not the Holy Grail. It is not going to make you rich in a month or even six. You are not going to be able to quit your job just because you paid $149 for a Forex trading robot. It will not quickly dig you out of debt or help you immediately go out and buy a Ferrari.
Why am I bad-mouthing FAP Turbo?
I have nothing against FAP Turbo, and in fact think it is a great strategy, but right up front I want you to have your expectations set correctly. I once heard this quote about trading systems:
"Most traders take a good system and destroy it by trying to make it into a perfect system."
Follow Link For Full Story: Fap Turbo Insider
FAP Turbo can be extremely profitable and can make a huge difference in your life, but in order to maximize your profit potential and avoid financial ruin (like my friend Ben) you need to be armed with some vital knowledge. You need to know some of the lessons that I have learned the hard way after years and years of being a trader. You need to get the inside scoop on FAP Turbo... what it does, how it works, how to set up the parameters, etc. You need a place to turn when you have questions about the system or your trading and want unbiased answers to your questions.
Finally, YOU can be an INSIDER into the secrets of the successful system trader
Thanks to the despair of my friend Ben, I was motivated to do whatever I can to ensure that this same disaster does not happen to others. I created a community geared towards FAP Turbo traders, as well as those who are interested in learning more about FAP Turbo and other automated trading systems.
It is a place to share tips, tricks, encouragement, secrets, and warnings. It is the place to turn to if you are looking for other people in your geographic area who are interested in making money with a trading robot. It is a place where you can hear directly from me about my successes and failures while trading. A place where I will continually share inside information to make you more profitable.
That's not all. I also wrote down all my insider information, secrets and tips I have learned about FAP Turbo, along with knowledge I have accumulated over the years being a trader. I do not consider it a "how-to" guide to getting rich... rather, I consider it a "Manifesto" which describes exactly how I think people should approach system trading, especially with the FAP Turbo robot. It reveals inside information about FAP Turbo and some secrets that can make your profits explode compared to those who do not follow it. This Manifesto contains vital information to profiting in the long-term with FAP Turbo, in addition to any other trading system.
Follow Link For Full Story: Fap Turbo Insider
What exactly does this Manifesto contain?
* Inside Info: The background behind what FAP Turbo is and what it does
* Exposed: The inside explanation of what makes FAP Turbo tick and why understanding it can affect your profits
* An in-depth discussion of the key parameters of FAP Turbo, whose settings will drastically affect your profits
* Revealed: Some specific parameter changes that will increase your FAP Turbo profits
* The four shocking reasons why some FAP Turbo traders will LOSE MONEY
* Explained: The secrets to finding the right broker for FAP Turbo, and why the wrong broker selection can cost you money!
* And much much more...
The information contained in this Manifesto is information you cannot afford to be without. It is not enough to merely read it, though. If you follow what you read religiously, I GUARANTEE you will profit more than you would have otherwise. Also, having a community of other people at your disposal who have also read the Manifesto and are following its principles is a huge bonus and a big step toward success.
Just look at what one of our members has said:
"I was ready to give up on FAP Turbo until I joined FAP Turbo Insider!"
"I can't believe I thought that FAP Turbo would make me rich over night. FAP Turbo Insider showed me how I was approaching the robot in the wrong way and had it set up totally incorrectly. The information I learned from FAP Turbo Insider is PRICELESS!" -- Trevor Norman (Stockton, CA)
Find out how changing a single parameter improves your FAP Turbo results from this:
to this:
Look how the account's equity curve was smoothed out just by changing one parameter! It also turned that same exact timeframe from negative to positive! That is just one of the specific things you will learn in the Manifesto.
These Small Changes To Your FAP Turbo Settings And Your Approach To Trading Could Skyrocket Your Profits ($$$)
So that begs the question...just what is access to this level of information truly worth?
Follow Link For Full Story: Fap Turbo Insider
Well, that depends on how much money you are trading with:
* If you're trading a $50,000 Forex account, you are either an experienced trader or understand that usually you "need money to make money". The information available to you from FAP Turbo Insider could make a difference of thousands of dollars per month in your favor!
* If you're trading a $10,000 Forex account, you realize that you have a lot of money invested and it is not "play money". On the contrary, it is money you worked hard for and want to see it grow instead of being dumped down the toilet.
* If you're trading a $1,000 Forex account, you understand that you are a small-scale investor or still skeptical of the validity of the FAP Turbo robot. This is perfectly fine. For you, the information contained in the FAP Turbo Insider Club could mean the difference between you quitting FAP Turbo and writing it off as a scam, or using it as a tool to generate long-term profits. Without FAP Turbo Insider, it could mean that you give up on trading altogether thinking that nobody can really make money at it.
So, what this club is worth to you is completely up to how much money you are planning on allocating toward your automatic trading.
Since using these principles and secrets has the potential to let even a small trading account earn more than $500 EVERY MONTH, I think it is safe to say that access to this Manifesto is worth at least a one-time payment of $500 to ANYONE trading with the FAP Turbo robot.
In fact, I believe the Manifesto alone would be a no-brainer at DOUBLE the price!
What is the Insider Club?
Merely reading the Manifesto is not enough to succeed with trading. Sure it will give you LOTS of knowledge, but the key to successful long-term trading is discipline. Listen to what the famed and successful trader, Richard Dennis said on the topic:
"The key is consistency and discipline. Almost anybody can make up a list of rules that are 80% as good as what we taught. What they can't do is give (people) the confidence to stick to those rules even when things are going bad." -- Richard Dennis
Follow Link For Full Story: Fap Turbo Insider
That is where the Insider Club comes in. It would be a waste for you to buy an eBook off the Internet with the hopes of it solving all of your problems or turning you into a wealthy trader. Knowledge is only worth so much. The hard part is the execution and disciple required to succeed. I have set up the Insider Club to do just that. What a better way to achieve this than a community of like-minded people... me included! We gather in the forums to exchange ideas, encouragement, and get to know other system traders. This goes a long way toward providing a level of accountability which is what it takes to succeed with system trading.
* Member Forums: The bread and butter of FAP Turbo Insider after you have read and re-read the Manifesto. Continued interaction with other traders is key to succeeding. This is especially true if you do not consider yourself a trader, but merely someone who wants to make some money on the side by running FAP Turbo!
* Insider Blog: In addition to being very active personally on the forums, I use my blog as a way to share my latest ideas, thoughts, and strategies with our members. Whether it is quick insight regarding FAP Turbo, an update on the performance of my own trading, or an instructional video, you'll find it on the blog.
* Twitter updates: Sometimes I will have a thought come to me at strange hours of the night, or something that is too short to massage into a blog post. I love using Twitter to share those thoughts instantaneously.
* Support: This is a big one. Do you have a problem or a question about FAP Turbo, another Forex robot, your Meta Trader setup, or just trading in general? As an Insider, you can email us your questions and get personal responses!
The SECRET is to be armed with knowledge AND have a community you can turn to for help and encouragement!
Although I believe it is a steal at a much higher price, I do not want people to be turned off to reading this Manifesto and joining the Insider Club because of money. Therefore, I do not want to charge a huge upfront fee in order for you to see what this is all about. I have decided to offer this Manifesto, exclusive access to the Insider Club, including access to the member forum, the Insider Blog and Twitter updates for a one-time payment of $197 plus $47 per month thereafter. Think about it... even if you learn just ONE thing from the vast amount of specific tips and secrets shared in the Manifesto, or in our member forums, you will have most likely paid for months and months worth of the Club membership in just a trade or two. There is no reason not to! If you were willing to invest money in the FAP Turbo robot and put your hard-earned money at risk trading it, you cannot afford not to learn all you can about what it takes to be successful. Do not buy into the web sites out there that make it seem like FAP Turbo is the answer to all of your financial problems -- it is NOT. FAP Turbo Insider will equip you, though, to know how to profit more consistently, stay in the game longer, and not let your emotions get in the way of your success.
There is rarely anything in this life that is a "free lunch". This applies to making money and trading as well. Do you really think getting rich is as easy as paying $149 for a Forex trading robot, then sitting back and watching your account grow and grow and grow? You are smarter than that. Learning as much as you can about FAP Turbo as well as hearing my inside tips and tricks could be just what you need to REALLY succeed!
"I'm realizing that I was able to pay just $147 for information that others learned after losing thousands of dollars making trading mistakes!"
"FAP Turbo Insider changed how I approach Forex trading robots. I don't fall for the sales pages of the various robots that talk about getting rich quickly but instead I know that I am doing the right thing to help me continue to profit in any type of economy, for the long-run." -- Daniel Kim (Orlando, FL)
ATTENTION: The subscription price WILL go up soon!
Follow Link For Full Story: Fap Turbo Insider
This is not a tactic to get you subscribe immediately even though the price always stays the same. I am intentionally offering access to FAP Turbo Insider at a much lower price than what it is worth for a short time to ensure that as many people as possible can join the community, share information, learn from others, and start thinking more about what they can do to increase their trading profits. The price will only stay this low for a limited time. After that time, it will go dramatically up.
I'm so confident that FAP Turbo Insider will be helpful to you I am offering a no-questions-asked guarantee!
I know how sometimes I hesitate buying something on the Internet because I am not quite sure if I can believe what I read. A product might seem good, but then I begin to doubt it because it seems too good to be true.
I don't want you to worry about that. I want you to try FAP Turbo Insider, read the Manifesto in its entirety, and poke around the Member Forums. If you are not completely satisfied in 60 days, then I will be happy to refund the entire purchase price!
I am willing to do this because I know that the price of the program is just a drop in the bucket to the amount of money this information will save you over your lifetime of trading, in addition to the amount of money it will MAKE you!
DISCLAIMER: Just in case you missed it, the price of $147 + $47/month is not the final price. It is a sale price that I am offering for a limited time only. Please don't complain when the price doubles without notice.
Get the FAP Turbo Insider Manifesto and Access to the Exclusive Insider Club
YES! Sam, I understand that by ordering I will receive the FAP Turbo Insider Manifesto, along with exclusive access to the Member Forum, private blog, and Twitter updates.
I acknowledge I want to take control of my destiny and not just rely blindly on a robot I purchased off the Internet to solve my financial problems.
I will pay $197 for immediate access to the Manifesto and the Insider Club and will pay $47 every month thereafter for continued access.
Retail Price: $500 + $99/month
Sale Price: $197 + $47/month
Follow Link For Full Story: Fap Turbo Insider
I also agree to the terms and conditions Add to Cart I wish you success beyond your wildest dreams!
Happy Trading,
Sam Henrick, Creator of FAP Turbo Insider
WARNING: If you don't apply the principles taught in the FAP Turbo Insider Manifesto you may LOSE MONEY!
P.S. If you were willing to spend the money on the FAP Turbo robot, and you are planning to try it with real money, then you OWE it to yourself to be informed. You need to learn some basics about the robot that they do NOT tell you when you purchase it and you need a community support system as you continue to trade it. You will set yourself up for failure if you do not go into it with a logical plan and just hope to get rich quickly. CLICK HERE
REMEMBER: You have nothing to lose.
P.P.S. As I stated above, I GUARANTEE you will find the FAP Turbo Insider Manifesto and Insider Club worth more to you than the purchase price or your money back!.
Don't already own FAP Turbo?
P.P.P.S. If you do not already own the FAP Turbo robot, or you would like to buy another copy, you can purchase FAP Turbo here. Then make sure to get the knowledge you need as well as the valuable community by joining FAP Turbo Insider!
Risk Disclosure: The information on this site is for educational purpose only. Past performances do not guarantee future results. FOREX Trading involves substantial risk and there is always the potential for loss. Your trading results may vary. Trade only capital you can afford to lose. We assume no liability for losses incurred using the information on this site.
Follow Link For Full Story: Fap Turbo Insider
CFTC - U.S. Government Required Disclaimer: Forex, Futures and options trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the futures and options markets. Don't trade with money you can't afford to lose.
This website is neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy/Sell futures or options. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this website. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results. Substantial risk is involved. Forex trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk.
You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the Forex markets. Don't trade with money you can't afford to lose. Nothing in our course or website shall be deemed a solicitation or an offer to Buy/sell futures and/or options. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on our site.
Also, the past performance of any trading methodology is not necessarily indicative of futures results. Trading involves high risks and you can lose a lot of money.
Follow Link For Full Story: Fap Turbo Insider
Monday, 13 July 2009
What Is Forex Monster Robot All About? Read This Review To Find Out!
The release of each and every forex trading robot usually comes with all sorts of waves on the internet. This is the case with Forex Monster Robot. There is a lot of interest and curiosity generated around this newly released Forex robot. Actually, a lot of folks are wondering if this double system is actually as great as its inventor claims it is, or if it is merely another ineffective Forex program scam.
Well, to offer an evaluation to any given product, you must have used it at least, and that is why I am writing this piece. Having had the opportunity to beta test this program a number of weeks prior to its certified launch, I had the chance to notice how it functions and how distinctive it was from other legal tender trading apparatus out there. Rather than scalping the markets for sluggish and more ordinary earnings, Forex Monster is able of identifying larger and longer term trends perfectly prior to their shift. As soon as it finds its opening, you will be capable to earn by placing your trade position according to the direction and lot size that it indicates. And that is how it functions so as to multiply your money in a the forex trading market during a very short amount of time.
* How Much Money Can You Expect to Make with the Forex Monster System?
The short term results that this robot made for me were very extraordinary really. It managed to more than triple my account at the end of 3 weeks of demo and live testing. Obviously, no one can presume that it will absolutely be lucrative in the long term due to the short testing time, but it has definitely seems extremely promising to carry on with its successful trend.
With a little quantity of capital, traders who have started using FX Monster are also very satisfied and it is completely realistic to create a 6 digit revenue each year without difficulty with this mechanized tool.
* How could you be so positive about Forex Monster Robot?
In a good way, to say the reality, you will not discover the reality if you do not in person test the system. Furthermore you do not have whatever thing to loose here! Their money back undertaking says it all. I reiterate, you can not go wrong on this one. The creators of Forex Monster robots are so certain it works, which is why they will literary refund your cash in case you do not like their product.
* Is Forex Monster Software Proper for You?
A few individuals suppose that they may not be proficient to profit with this robot due to their lack of skill at trading the currency market. In concrete points, they have no need to be troubled as there are apparent step by step information provided in the membership area for installing the robot software to work and make you excellent funds.
Follow the link below If you want to Check out This robot:
Making Money With Forex Monster Robot
Well, to offer an evaluation to any given product, you must have used it at least, and that is why I am writing this piece. Having had the opportunity to beta test this program a number of weeks prior to its certified launch, I had the chance to notice how it functions and how distinctive it was from other legal tender trading apparatus out there. Rather than scalping the markets for sluggish and more ordinary earnings, Forex Monster is able of identifying larger and longer term trends perfectly prior to their shift. As soon as it finds its opening, you will be capable to earn by placing your trade position according to the direction and lot size that it indicates. And that is how it functions so as to multiply your money in a the forex trading market during a very short amount of time.
* How Much Money Can You Expect to Make with the Forex Monster System?
The short term results that this robot made for me were very extraordinary really. It managed to more than triple my account at the end of 3 weeks of demo and live testing. Obviously, no one can presume that it will absolutely be lucrative in the long term due to the short testing time, but it has definitely seems extremely promising to carry on with its successful trend.
With a little quantity of capital, traders who have started using FX Monster are also very satisfied and it is completely realistic to create a 6 digit revenue each year without difficulty with this mechanized tool.
* How could you be so positive about Forex Monster Robot?
In a good way, to say the reality, you will not discover the reality if you do not in person test the system. Furthermore you do not have whatever thing to loose here! Their money back undertaking says it all. I reiterate, you can not go wrong on this one. The creators of Forex Monster robots are so certain it works, which is why they will literary refund your cash in case you do not like their product.
* Is Forex Monster Software Proper for You?
A few individuals suppose that they may not be proficient to profit with this robot due to their lack of skill at trading the currency market. In concrete points, they have no need to be troubled as there are apparent step by step information provided in the membership area for installing the robot software to work and make you excellent funds.
Follow the link below If you want to Check out This robot:
Making Money With Forex Monster Robot
Saturday, 9 May 2009
Forex GridBot: Completely New Forex System Will Rock The Forex Market
Click Image For Full Story!

Click Image For Full Story!
WANT TO SEE MORE? We're not going to shower you with bogus claims. See the results for yourself. Follow link above an take a look AT THE LIVE TRADES.
These are not phony statements like other Forex systems show you
Watch and see how the small profits on each trade add up over the day.
NOW SEE THE RESULTS WITH A $1,000 ACCOUNT This could be your LIVE ACCOUNT statement
Follow Link Below For Full Story:
Forex GridBot
You're probably wondering, "Is this even possible"? Well it is possible, beacuse the Forex GridBot knows
A system that uses sophisticated algorithms and statistics to place profitable trades.
The Forex market is an ever growing market and is better than trading stocks and futures.
With the introduction of artificial intelligence systems in the Forex market people who NEVER had experience trading, or don’t know ANYTHING about Forex, are making money everyday!
The revolutionary artificial intelligence, grid-trading system has made it possible for regular people to make STEADY PROFITS every day in the Forex Market.
The Forex GridBot doesn’t just place random trades based on oversold and overbought conditions in the market like most Forex trading systems do. Unlike Forex GridBot, those systems can end up blowing your account, and hard earned money, after only a few trades.
Follow Link Below For Full Story:
Forex GridBot
The reason being, is this:
Simply because they have not dealt with the artificial intelligence trading systems of banks and brokers. The truth is that there are not many people out there that have. The strategies used by these bank systems are tightly guarded secrets.
In reality, most creators are part time programmers and losing traders who have no clue on how the markets work .
How can a programmer create a Forex robot trading system without having traded with the big boys (Banks, Brokers, Hedge Fund, etc )?
How can ordinary Forex traders talk about making a system that is based on decades of experience? 30 to 40 years ago, Forex was traded ONLY by BANKS with multi-million dollar accounts. Ordinary traders, like yourself, had no access to trade Forex back then.
TRUST US. Those people who tell you they have been trading FOREX for decades ARE LYING!
Most Forex robots will tell you all the good hype about their system, but they will only show phony backtests made in Photoshop.They will advertise b.s. about how their system can make you a millionaire in a week.
Their methods DON'T WORK. If EVERYONE was a winner in Forex trading, there simply would not be enough money to go around.
Have you ever gone into a Casino hoping to win a few thousand dollars, just a little here and there to take care of some bills, but instead the house takes your money?
If everyone in the Casino won, the Casino would go broke. The same goes for the Forex Market.
Remember what we said about the Casino. THE HOUSE ALWAYS WINS.
The same goes for Brokers. The Broker will always take your money unless you are able to beat them at their own game. You have to think like a Broker and a BANK. Remember, brokers want you to keep trading so they keep making money.
The Forex GridBot knows EXACTLY when to cash in the chips and move on, and when not to trade. All the other Forex robots out there trade 24/7. They get greedy and after a few wins they end up going BUST! The strong survive by ADAPTING to the market.
Follow Link Below For Full Story:
Forex GridBot
The Forex GridBot is smart enough to beat the BANKS and BROKERS at their own game. By taking profit on THOUSANDS of small profitable trades with its advanced AMM , Chaos Theory and Volatility, it always comes out on top.
Simply because they have not dealt with the artificial intelligence trading systems of banks and brokers. There really are not many people out there that have the strategies used by bank systems. These secrets are tightly guarded by the Banks and Brokers, and they dont give them up easily. Would you?
Most creators of Forex robots are part-time programmers and losing traders who have no clue on how the markets work.
How can a programmer without PROFESSIONAL TRADING EXPERIENCE create a successful Forex robot trading system?
The Forex GridBot uses our proprietary Grid Trading Formula that consists of these three key methods:
Follow Link Below For Full Story:
Forex GridBot
CHAOS THEORY: The Forex Market is a beast with over 3.2 Trillion dollars changing hands everyday. It would be impossible to predict the day to day movement of this market. Chaos Theory is built on the idea that a trading system can be random in the short term, but over the long term will follow a trend. Some of the BIGGEST HEDGE FUND, BANKS and PRIVATE INVESTMENT COMPANIES use this method in their trading systems. How else do you think they make their millions from trading?
ADVANCED MONEY MANAGEMENT : Our proprietary Money Management system keeps track of your profits and CASHES in every time . The AMM system doesn’t get greedy. It knows how much to risk and when to close the trade and cash in the chips.The AMM system was developed over years of working in the trenches of the BIG BANKS.
VOLATILITY INDEXES: During the worst Financial Crisis last year, the Financial Markets were rocked with turmoil, and many trading companies and brokers went bankrupt. WHY? They got GREEDY. The Forex GridBot uses an advanced correlation formula and volume to keep track of volatility in the Forex market. The Forex GridBot system knows exactly when the markets are too volatile to trade and when they are not, therefore preserving your profits.
We're not afraid of our methods, we have nothing to hide.
If you think you can use the methods above and come up with your own system, by all means do so.
JUST LIKE YOURSELF See how one losing Forex trader talks about how the Forex GridBot completely changes his mind about quitting the Forex market!
Yes, these are people who actually traded the Forex GridBot as part of a test group and MADE MONEY. Contact them yourself!
That’s right, with the consent from the people above we are releasing their contact information .
Follow Link Below For Full Story:
Forex GridBot
HAVE YOU EVER WANTED TO... that extra bill or two?
...finally go out and have a good time without having to be on a tight budget?
...wake up and not have to worry about bil collectors?
Remember, we're not promising that you're going to make a million dollars in a few weeks. If it was that easy everyone would be doing it.
What we are promising you is that the Forex GridBot will produce.
Follow Link Below For Full Story:
Forex GridBot
Think about making an extra $200 each day after you came home from work just by making sure your internet connection is up and leaving your computer on. After that you just check up on your results!
That’s it. Try our FREE DEMO ACCOUNT and see for yourself. If you like what you see then come back and OPEN A LIVE FOREX ACCOUNT.
No, you don't need to know anything about the Forex market to use Forex GridBot.
WHY? Simply put, we made the Forex GridBot so easy to use there isn’t much you need.
You could be up and running in as little as 10 MINUTES if you follow our simple step by procedures. Our members area is filled with STEP BY STEP Video Tutorials on getting you started.
FREE UPGRADES and access to our latest research into the Forex Grid System
($100 value)
We want to help you get started from start to end, and make sure you're Forex GridBot system is running smoothly.
Why are we offering so much Free Support and Free Upgrades? Mainly because we want to show everyone that the Forex GridBot consistently MAKES MONEY!
We'd even like people to DEMO it and see for themselves how well the system trades.
What is Forex?
The Foreign Exchange market, also referred to as the "FOREX" or "Forex" or "Retail forex" or "FX" or "Spot FX" or just "Spot" is the largest financial market in the world, with a volume of over $2 trillion a day. If you compare that to the $25 billion a day volume that the New York Stock Exchange trades, you can easily see how enormous the Foreign Exchange really is. It actually equates to more than three times the total amount of the stocks and futures markets combined! The Forex market is growing faster than ever because of the endless opportunities, so what are you waiting for?
Follow Link Below For Full Story:
Forex GridBot
What Tools Do I Need to Start Trading Forex?
All you need is a computer with and a internet connection. You don’t need any experience trading forex we provide all the instructions and video tutorials on how to install the robot.
How do I run the Forex GridBot on my computer?
The only software you need to install on your computer to run the Forex GridBot is Metatrader 4. There are many forex brokers that all you to run the robot and trade with Metatrader 4.
What is Expert advisor (EA)?
Expert Advisor is an automated robotic script written in MQ4 language that can work in the Metatrader4 platform and make trades for you!
Can I leave the robot running if I go out or if I’m at work?
Yes the robot can run all day 24 hours. It's hand free you don’t need to sit and stare and the screen just load the robot and walk away. The robot automatically will place trades, stops, limits, and close your trades all automatically for you. Keep in mind that you have to leave your Metatrader running at all times.
Demo or Real account?
We advise that you setup a Demo account first to see how the robot trades and to test the best settings that work for you. But if you want to get things moving quickly we recommend you open both a live and a demo account.
Can I run more than one robot on the same computer? If so can I run it on the same account?
Yes and Yes. You can run more than one robot on a computer and run it on the same demo or live account.
Is the Forex GridBot difficult to setup?
NO! We GUARANTEE that the Forex GridBot is not difficult to setup. Takes up to 5 minutes to setup the ForexGridBot and once you setup it up you can just leave it running. Continue on with your daily activities have fun, go out, or go to work. Come back and SEE THE CASH.
How much money do I need to start trading?
Depending on your broker terms, you can start trading with as little as $100. Remember that starting out with low trading capital may put you at disadvantage because you will only be able to trade the market in small share sizes. We recommend that you start with capital of $1,000-5,000 USD or train on a Demo account till you are satisfied with the performance.
Is it hard to learn and implement your trading system?
No! Once you purchase the Forex GridBot you will receive information on how to login to the members section! In the members section we have detailed video tutorials and instructions on how to install the robot. It literally takes a FEW minutes to install the robot. If you can’t install it still DON’T worry email us, chat with one of our live support representatives, or call us and we’ll be glad to help you out!
Follow Link Below For Full Story:
Forex GridBot
Can I adjust parameters of the Forex GridBot?
You can always change the parameters and test the robot however you feel like. Sign-up for a VIP members section and you will receive specific settings to run on certain currency pairs!
That's right. The system is selling at a DISCOUNT because we want to SPREAD THE WORD that there is a REAL FOREX TRADING SYSTEM that actually works and makes money.
I'm sure you're tired of the hype and phony systems out there, just as we are. We want people to try it, we want people to see for themselves what it feels like to have winning trades add up everyday.
Yes, we want to show them that Forex GridBot can beat them at their own game.
How much is it? $1,000? $2,000?
NO! We want the average peron to be able to afford the system.
Click Image For Full Story!

Click Image For Full Story!
U.S. Government Required Disclaimer - Commodity Futures Trading Commission Futures and Options trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risks. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the futures and options markets. Don't trade with money you can't afford to lose. This is neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy/Sell futures or options. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this web site. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results.
Follow Link Below For Full Story:
Forex GridBot
Click Image For Full Story!

WANT TO SEE MORE? We're not going to shower you with bogus claims. See the results for yourself. Follow link above an take a look AT THE LIVE TRADES.
These are not phony statements like other Forex systems show you
Watch and see how the small profits on each trade add up over the day.
NOW SEE THE RESULTS WITH A $1,000 ACCOUNT This could be your LIVE ACCOUNT statement
Follow Link Below For Full Story:
Forex GridBot
You're probably wondering, "Is this even possible"? Well it is possible, beacuse the Forex GridBot knows
A system that uses sophisticated algorithms and statistics to place profitable trades.
The Forex market is an ever growing market and is better than trading stocks and futures.
With the introduction of artificial intelligence systems in the Forex market people who NEVER had experience trading, or don’t know ANYTHING about Forex, are making money everyday!
The revolutionary artificial intelligence, grid-trading system has made it possible for regular people to make STEADY PROFITS every day in the Forex Market.
The Forex GridBot doesn’t just place random trades based on oversold and overbought conditions in the market like most Forex trading systems do. Unlike Forex GridBot, those systems can end up blowing your account, and hard earned money, after only a few trades.
Follow Link Below For Full Story:
Forex GridBot
The reason being, is this:
Simply because they have not dealt with the artificial intelligence trading systems of banks and brokers. The truth is that there are not many people out there that have. The strategies used by these bank systems are tightly guarded secrets.
In reality, most creators are part time programmers and losing traders who have no clue on how the markets work .
How can a programmer create a Forex robot trading system without having traded with the big boys (Banks, Brokers, Hedge Fund, etc )?
How can ordinary Forex traders talk about making a system that is based on decades of experience? 30 to 40 years ago, Forex was traded ONLY by BANKS with multi-million dollar accounts. Ordinary traders, like yourself, had no access to trade Forex back then.
TRUST US. Those people who tell you they have been trading FOREX for decades ARE LYING!
Most Forex robots will tell you all the good hype about their system, but they will only show phony backtests made in Photoshop.They will advertise b.s. about how their system can make you a millionaire in a week.
Their methods DON'T WORK. If EVERYONE was a winner in Forex trading, there simply would not be enough money to go around.
Have you ever gone into a Casino hoping to win a few thousand dollars, just a little here and there to take care of some bills, but instead the house takes your money?
If everyone in the Casino won, the Casino would go broke. The same goes for the Forex Market.
Remember what we said about the Casino. THE HOUSE ALWAYS WINS.
The same goes for Brokers. The Broker will always take your money unless you are able to beat them at their own game. You have to think like a Broker and a BANK. Remember, brokers want you to keep trading so they keep making money.
The Forex GridBot knows EXACTLY when to cash in the chips and move on, and when not to trade. All the other Forex robots out there trade 24/7. They get greedy and after a few wins they end up going BUST! The strong survive by ADAPTING to the market.
Follow Link Below For Full Story:
Forex GridBot
The Forex GridBot is smart enough to beat the BANKS and BROKERS at their own game. By taking profit on THOUSANDS of small profitable trades with its advanced AMM , Chaos Theory and Volatility, it always comes out on top.
Simply because they have not dealt with the artificial intelligence trading systems of banks and brokers. There really are not many people out there that have the strategies used by bank systems. These secrets are tightly guarded by the Banks and Brokers, and they dont give them up easily. Would you?
Most creators of Forex robots are part-time programmers and losing traders who have no clue on how the markets work.
How can a programmer without PROFESSIONAL TRADING EXPERIENCE create a successful Forex robot trading system?
The Forex GridBot uses our proprietary Grid Trading Formula that consists of these three key methods:
Follow Link Below For Full Story:
Forex GridBot
CHAOS THEORY: The Forex Market is a beast with over 3.2 Trillion dollars changing hands everyday. It would be impossible to predict the day to day movement of this market. Chaos Theory is built on the idea that a trading system can be random in the short term, but over the long term will follow a trend. Some of the BIGGEST HEDGE FUND, BANKS and PRIVATE INVESTMENT COMPANIES use this method in their trading systems. How else do you think they make their millions from trading?
ADVANCED MONEY MANAGEMENT : Our proprietary Money Management system keeps track of your profits and CASHES in every time . The AMM system doesn’t get greedy. It knows how much to risk and when to close the trade and cash in the chips.The AMM system was developed over years of working in the trenches of the BIG BANKS.
VOLATILITY INDEXES: During the worst Financial Crisis last year, the Financial Markets were rocked with turmoil, and many trading companies and brokers went bankrupt. WHY? They got GREEDY. The Forex GridBot uses an advanced correlation formula and volume to keep track of volatility in the Forex market. The Forex GridBot system knows exactly when the markets are too volatile to trade and when they are not, therefore preserving your profits.
We're not afraid of our methods, we have nothing to hide.
If you think you can use the methods above and come up with your own system, by all means do so.
JUST LIKE YOURSELF See how one losing Forex trader talks about how the Forex GridBot completely changes his mind about quitting the Forex market!
Yes, these are people who actually traded the Forex GridBot as part of a test group and MADE MONEY. Contact them yourself!
That’s right, with the consent from the people above we are releasing their contact information .
Follow Link Below For Full Story:
Forex GridBot
HAVE YOU EVER WANTED TO... that extra bill or two?
...finally go out and have a good time without having to be on a tight budget?
...wake up and not have to worry about bil collectors?
Remember, we're not promising that you're going to make a million dollars in a few weeks. If it was that easy everyone would be doing it.
What we are promising you is that the Forex GridBot will produce.
Follow Link Below For Full Story:
Forex GridBot
Think about making an extra $200 each day after you came home from work just by making sure your internet connection is up and leaving your computer on. After that you just check up on your results!
That’s it. Try our FREE DEMO ACCOUNT and see for yourself. If you like what you see then come back and OPEN A LIVE FOREX ACCOUNT.
No, you don't need to know anything about the Forex market to use Forex GridBot.
WHY? Simply put, we made the Forex GridBot so easy to use there isn’t much you need.
You could be up and running in as little as 10 MINUTES if you follow our simple step by procedures. Our members area is filled with STEP BY STEP Video Tutorials on getting you started.
FREE UPGRADES and access to our latest research into the Forex Grid System
($100 value)
We want to help you get started from start to end, and make sure you're Forex GridBot system is running smoothly.
Why are we offering so much Free Support and Free Upgrades? Mainly because we want to show everyone that the Forex GridBot consistently MAKES MONEY!
We'd even like people to DEMO it and see for themselves how well the system trades.
What is Forex?
The Foreign Exchange market, also referred to as the "FOREX" or "Forex" or "Retail forex" or "FX" or "Spot FX" or just "Spot" is the largest financial market in the world, with a volume of over $2 trillion a day. If you compare that to the $25 billion a day volume that the New York Stock Exchange trades, you can easily see how enormous the Foreign Exchange really is. It actually equates to more than three times the total amount of the stocks and futures markets combined! The Forex market is growing faster than ever because of the endless opportunities, so what are you waiting for?
Follow Link Below For Full Story:
Forex GridBot
What Tools Do I Need to Start Trading Forex?
All you need is a computer with and a internet connection. You don’t need any experience trading forex we provide all the instructions and video tutorials on how to install the robot.
How do I run the Forex GridBot on my computer?
The only software you need to install on your computer to run the Forex GridBot is Metatrader 4. There are many forex brokers that all you to run the robot and trade with Metatrader 4.
What is Expert advisor (EA)?
Expert Advisor is an automated robotic script written in MQ4 language that can work in the Metatrader4 platform and make trades for you!
Can I leave the robot running if I go out or if I’m at work?
Yes the robot can run all day 24 hours. It's hand free you don’t need to sit and stare and the screen just load the robot and walk away. The robot automatically will place trades, stops, limits, and close your trades all automatically for you. Keep in mind that you have to leave your Metatrader running at all times.
Demo or Real account?
We advise that you setup a Demo account first to see how the robot trades and to test the best settings that work for you. But if you want to get things moving quickly we recommend you open both a live and a demo account.
Can I run more than one robot on the same computer? If so can I run it on the same account?
Yes and Yes. You can run more than one robot on a computer and run it on the same demo or live account.
Is the Forex GridBot difficult to setup?
NO! We GUARANTEE that the Forex GridBot is not difficult to setup. Takes up to 5 minutes to setup the ForexGridBot and once you setup it up you can just leave it running. Continue on with your daily activities have fun, go out, or go to work. Come back and SEE THE CASH.
How much money do I need to start trading?
Depending on your broker terms, you can start trading with as little as $100. Remember that starting out with low trading capital may put you at disadvantage because you will only be able to trade the market in small share sizes. We recommend that you start with capital of $1,000-5,000 USD or train on a Demo account till you are satisfied with the performance.
Is it hard to learn and implement your trading system?
No! Once you purchase the Forex GridBot you will receive information on how to login to the members section! In the members section we have detailed video tutorials and instructions on how to install the robot. It literally takes a FEW minutes to install the robot. If you can’t install it still DON’T worry email us, chat with one of our live support representatives, or call us and we’ll be glad to help you out!
Follow Link Below For Full Story:
Forex GridBot
Can I adjust parameters of the Forex GridBot?
You can always change the parameters and test the robot however you feel like. Sign-up for a VIP members section and you will receive specific settings to run on certain currency pairs!
That's right. The system is selling at a DISCOUNT because we want to SPREAD THE WORD that there is a REAL FOREX TRADING SYSTEM that actually works and makes money.
I'm sure you're tired of the hype and phony systems out there, just as we are. We want people to try it, we want people to see for themselves what it feels like to have winning trades add up everyday.
Yes, we want to show them that Forex GridBot can beat them at their own game.
How much is it? $1,000? $2,000?
NO! We want the average peron to be able to afford the system.
Click Image For Full Story!

U.S. Government Required Disclaimer - Commodity Futures Trading Commission Futures and Options trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risks. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the futures and options markets. Don't trade with money you can't afford to lose. This is neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy/Sell futures or options. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this web site. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results.
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Forex GridBot
Friday, 3 April 2009
Forex MegaDroid Robot: Automatic, 100% Hands-Free Forex Robot Uses Rcpta Technology And Breaks All Records.
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“Forex MegaDroid™ Indisputably Proves A
Robot Can Trade With 95.82% Accuracy In
EVERY SINGLE Market Condition And At Least
Quadruple Every Single Dollar YOU Deposit”
2009: 330.20%
(91 days)
2008: 623.84%
2007: 612.91%
2006: 333.05%
2005: 810.70%
2004: 677.67%
NOTE: Click Here For Trade-By-Trade Results
3rd April 2009 update: 57% NET Profit in the last 8 days!
Please, DO NOT Keep On Reading Before You Get To Know Who We Are, What We Do, And WHY We Can Back Up Our “Dollar Quadrupling” Claim Here...
Is The Search For The Perfect Forex Money Machine Over?
Is Our Automatic “Dollar Quadrupling” Claim Valid?
ONLY YOU Be The Judge...
Albert Perrie
Forex Trading Since 1989 (20 Years)
Co-Founder: Forex MegaDroid™
John Grace
Forex Trading Since 1991 (18 years)
Co-Founder: Forex MegaDroid™
Have you ever heard the term “two minds think better than one”?
Well... John and I have actually redefined that term:
“2 Professional Minds Can Produce What 1001 Unprofessional Minds Can't”
Average products are a result of average people...
Great products are a result of experience, thought, and long term dedication.
Some people learn this the hard way, some are intelligent enough to recognize good from bad... or, GREAT from bad.
If you took the time to view our video you damn well know what I am talking about. You know that experience, ESPECIALLY in Forex trading, is a vital element in advanced robot design.
I suppose that's the difference between those that succeed in what they do and those that don't: knowing the difference.
38 years of combined Forex trading experience have borne fruits... it has proven that outstanding frontier-breaking concepts can establish new standards... new records.
Both John and I have paid the right price for the right knowledge... and both you and I know that bottom line, it's all about knowledge. There is no way around it, perfection comes from knowledge.
Forex MegaDroid™ Is The Direct Outcome From 38 Years Of Learning And Experiencing... From Seeing What Works And What Doesn't...
... From Taking Working Concepts And Perfecting Them
To The Next Level
No matter how you look at it, it's all about taking things into the next level.
That is where extreme profits come from...
The Next Level In Automated Forex Robot Trading: Multi-Market Performance, Turning $1 Into $4 In EVERY Market Condition
38 years of combined Forex trading experience in the toughest trenches... in the most demanding jobs... has borne its fruits.
If you watched the video at the beginning of the page (which we truly recommend you do) you know a bit about us. You know that we paid our dues when it comes to Trading Forex...
Many people don't think about this but back then when we started out, all trading was done with absolutely no computer help...
Back then, you had to do all by yourself... you had to use your hands and eyes to learn, test, model and implement systems and strategies...
Today... things are much easier... but are they better? YES AND NO...
and this is very important, so please pay close attention...
Computers are great... they cut down the work load and they do things much faster. They process information 1 million times (or much more) than human beings can.
And that's a HUGE plus when you are designing Forex systems. The computer can see what the eye can't see... or better yet, the computer can find what the naked eye can't find.
Forex MegaDroid Robot
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Great... so what's the problem?
Well... and pay VERY, VERY close attention here: computers are just computers... they work with the data that we humans feed them with... they operate on software that we humans design...
In plain English... THEY CAN'T THINK!
It's our job as humans to think... we then pass the “thought” to the computer and there is where the perfect combination lies!
Now... the QUALITY of “thought” we pass onto the computer is the difference between it producing outstanding results and just normal, average results.
Now, what is “quality of thought” in Forex trading?
That's right... in order for you to tell the computer what to do, what to process... what type of methods to implement... you have to have had enough experience in LEARNING how the Forex market behaves...
In the same way that you cannot walk into a kitchen without cooking experience and play the “chef” role, you have to “grow” as a visual and manual Forex trader to “feel” market characteristics before you can design an extremely profitable Forex robot...
Listen closely... any idiot can come and design a Forex robot... that's easy. Just go on Google and type “Forex robot” (well, you probably have by now!)... see how many results you see.
How many of these robots were designed with true Forex trading strategy design experience?
How many of these robots have a built-in strategy that derives from the designer actually knowing how the Forex market works... having true long term trading experience....
Or better yet...
How Many Of These Robots Have Been Designed By People That Actually Understand That A Truly Profitable Strategy Is One That Is Accurate In EVERY SINGLE Market Condition?
(I will cover the “every single market condition” part in just a moment)
I'll let you into a little secret...
Over 90% of Forex robots have been designed to work well in a specific market condition... either:
...a trending, non-trending, volatile or non-volatile market. That's it! No more to it my dear friend. That's how things are today... that's what you get when you buy most robots in today's market place.
John and I would have been fired after about 2 days from any of the Forex trading jobs we held over our many years if our approach to trading Forex was a “single market condition” approach.
The only way to CONSISTENTLY quadruple every single dollar deposited in your trading account is by having a robot that works with deadly accuracy in every single market condition.
Again ... Quadrupling Your Dollars =
Read the above sentence 50 times if you have to because that's the reality of this business.
Each business has it's own reality... in Forex, accurate multi-market condition performance is what rules... is what makes the crucial difference...
...commercial banks know it and that's why their Forex departments are around for so many years (producing unheard of profits, I might add!)
Forex MegaDroid™ Is The Outcome Of Our Personal 38 Years Of Combined Commercial Bank Trading Experience... You Can Count On The Best Of The Best... You Can Count On The Perfect (And Only) “Multi-Market” Forex Robot In The Market.
We are allowing Forex traders that want to succeed in this business to get 10 steps ahead of the competition... we are giving you the chance to access something for which there can be no price tag: EXPERIENCE.
2009: 330.20% (to date) • 2008: 623.84% • 2007: 612.91%
2006: 333.05% • 2005: 810.70% • 2004: 677.67%
• 2003: 656.52%• 2002: 441.28% • 2001: 597.54%
“Advanced Artificial Intelligence: Extreme Performance, Extreme Accuracy... Unheard Of CONSISTENCY... A New Artificial Intelligence Frontier Has Been Established...”
We are proud to be innovators... there is no other way to put it.
We are proud to be able to bring to the table what 38 years of combined Forex trading experience delivers...
Reverse Correlated Time And Price Analysis (RCTPA) Is our contribution to the Forex industry... it's what will take you from being an average Forex trader to a top gun pip pulling machine.
It's the first time Artificial Intelligence has been taken to the next level.
Scroll down for year-by-year, trade-by-trade results...
LIVE 2009 UPDATE: From Launch Of Forex MegaDroid To Date (April 3rd,2009) The Robot Increased The
Initial Deposit From 330.20% To 387%. That Is a 57% Net Increase In Profit In Only 8 Days!
So... Will We Break The 1,000% Barrier In 2009? YOU BE THE JUDGE!
You can view details of each individual year of trading - just click the year to view from the list below:
2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001
Use the "scrollbar" to view the list of tradesScroll here
Sometimes you have a revolutionary idea... a new concept in mind. You believe in it but, it's still just a concept.
That's what happen to us when we developed the Reverse Correlated Time And Price Analysis (RCTPA) theory.
You see... when you are an insider in this business you know exactly what the problem is when it comes to consistent performance.
We talked about this previously and I will say it again because this is KEY:
Performance In Forex Trading Has Been Limited (UNTIL TODAY)
Because Of Single-Market Condition Systems/Robots.
The typical scenario: A Forex robot performs extremely well for a certain period of time and then BOOM... you give all your profits away again.
Why? Because the market changed. Volatility changed. Behavior changed.
38 years of combined experience have taught us that there are 2 certainties in Forex trading:
A.) The Market Will Have A Different “Face” At Different Times...
B.) A Robot That Can't Deal With That Properly And Very Accurately Is Not
Worth The Time It Takes To Download It.
What ever you decide to do in your Forex trading, always take the above two points into consideration. Trust us, these two rules are non-negotiable!
Forex MegaDroid Robot
Click Here To read Full Story!
No matter How We Looked At It, The Only Way To Achieve Extremely Accurate “Multi-Market” Condition Performance is by employing a different method of analysis and technology.
We had Reverse Correlated Time And Price Analysis (RCTPA) figured out... trading it visually and manually it did exactly what we speculated it would do:
See Into The Immediate Future... See What WILL Happen In The Market With An 81.26% Accuracy Rate Over The Next 2-4 Hours...
And, by the way... we discussed this previously...
(and this is what every Forex robot designer doesn't get), a robot's performance is the direct result of the level of knowledge the trader has in market behavior...
This knowledge can only be acquired through long term experience, dedication and persistence.
Our job now was twofold:
1. Take RCPTA into the next level... 100% automated, hands-free trading.
2. Boost performance to levels never seen in the Forex industry before.
Why do we say “never seen in the Forex industry”?
Well... you have to understand one very important thing. When you are not known in an industry you can get away with average... you can get away with not being the best.
When you have 10's of years of experience AND you are known by key figures in the industry you have to PROVE yourself. In other words, you cannot afford not to be the best.
If Bill Gates produces some new software... if Tiger Woods produces a golf training product... if Warren Buffet produces a trading product... everyone in the relevant industry would expect the best....
NO... we are not comparing ourselves to these industry dominating figures, but we're sure you get the point.
The next frontier had to be broken... let me rephrase this - the next frontier HAS BEEN broken...
“Taking Artificial Intelligence To New
Technological Ground, Combining It With 38 Years Of Trading Experience And Knowledge To Produce A Robot That Sees Into The Future With Mind Blowing Accuracy: To The Tune Of 95.82% Accuracy”
MegaDroid™ was born and it validated our long term theory that it is possible to see into the immediate future with extreme accuracy...
That it is possible to take what we learned throughout 38 years and integrate it into the best Forex robot the industry had ever seen.
Bottom line, we produced solid PROOF that 95.82% accuracy is possible over a long period of time (consistency) ONLY if you can predict the immediate future...
...and ONLY if you can fuse new Artificial Intelligence technology and real, long term Forex trading experience...
To produce results like:
2009 Performance:
330.20% (91 days) 2008 Performance:
623.47.84% 2007 Performance:
2006 Performance:
333.05% 2005 Performance:
810.70% 2004 Performance:
2003 Performance:
656.52% 2002 Performance:
441.28% 2001 Performance:
What is the most important detail you have to understand from these results?
No... what is the difference between what you see here and what you will or have seen in ANY other Forex robot performance results?
Two things: consistency and incredible individual year performance.
If you are new to Forex you probably don't know the trick... so let me open your eyes a bit.... and please focus here since its one of the most important lessons you will learn.
Over 90% of Forex robots marketed provide you proof of top performance...something like this:
“Since 2006 XXXX Robot Has Nailed 1,476% Profit...”
Well, the claim might be true. The robot might have produced these type of results.
But... WHEN?
Did it produce them consistently and EVENLY throughout time? OR
Did it have ONE SINGLE period of great performance and that's it?
Can you see the difference between a robot producing consistent and even results throughout a long period of time and producing good results for ONLY a specific period?
The first one guarantees you will make money NOW, the other guarantees you lost the opportunity to make money! As simple as that...
For us, for the trained Forex professionals, it's obvious... for someone who just started out in this business, it's not.
I suppose some people have to learn this the hard way... spending money buying countless robots, depleting trading accounts, etc...
The smarter people do their math, they know how to look at things properly...
Forex MegaDroid ™ HAS Proven To Spit Out Unheard Of, Industry Breaking Performance, YEAR AFTER YEAR ...Steadily And Consistently Producing A Much As
100% NET Profit Per Month...
You know the saying “95% of Forex traders Lose... 5% WIN”.
Well, these 5% are those that did their homework... they were able to separate B.S. from what's real...
Most importantly though, they are able to understand the fact that real long term success is based on “experience-based” system design.
My friend, absolutely nothing beats experience... period!
Now, before we move on:
A Special Note of Appreciation to Hector Lusting...
Hector Lusting
B.A. In Computer Programming
Masters Degree In Information Technology
P.H.D In Applied Mathematics
41 Years Of Information
Technology/Programming Experience
Forex MegaDroid's strategy is a result of John and my 38 years of combined professional trading experience...
For taking the robot to automatic ground, applying advanced Artificial Intelligence technology to break a new frontier, we want to thank Hector Lusting.
Project “Forex MegaDroid” would have NOT been possible without Hector's contribution and for that we both would like to express our deepest appreciation.
I got to know Hector 12 years ago. He actually provided his professional programming and mathematical analysis skills to the bank I was working for.
He is the main contributor (technology side) for the 3 top systems my bank used to achieve unheard of performance and rake in insane profits.
I love Hector... he's one of those “old school” guys... a no nonsense, no B.S person... what you see is what you get (and trust me, you see A LOT and you get A LOT!).
A true mathematical genius, a genuine professional programmer...
Hector was our first choice when we were looking for someone to take the Artificial Intelligence frontier one step further...
Our bet paid off, BIG TIME!
Thank you Hector for your dedication, knowledge, persistence and for bearing with our months of constant "meddling".
“Grow your trading account by at least 1,000%”... A bold claim?
A bold claim is a claim that cannot be backed up with facts... it's a claim that has no solid grounds to back it up.
Not only is this NOT a bold claim... it's a claim that will be OUTPERFORMED.
From January 1st 2009 to date (3 months) Forex MegaDroid has nailed an astounding 330.20% profit...
That is OVER 100% PER MONTH in pure profit, in other words an account which started trading with the robot at the beginning of the year TRIPLED in size...
Why are the 2009 “account tripling” results so powerful?
Because of 3 simple and plain FACTS:
Fact #1: They Obviously Demonstrate That Forex MegaDroid Has Been Doing What It's Suppose To Do – Use Advanced Artificial Intelligence Based On RCPTA Technology To Produce Unheard Of 100%+ Profit Per Month
Fact #2: They are not “stand-alone” results. By this I mean that they are backed by 8 years of similar results.
Fact #3: They show with UNDISPUTABLE proof that the RCTPA technology is the new frontier in Forex trading... they show that it is possible to see into the immediate future with astounding accuracy.
Forex MegaDroid Robot
Click Here To read Full Story!
Now, we want to cover a very important point and I need your full attention...
The Forex market will not be what it was for a very long time to come.
Ok, I know you are confused now but let me explain this well because it is what will put YOU light years ahead of every Forex trader out there.
There is one unbreakable rule in trading: the market changes in personality and over 95% of traders see this only long after the fact occurred.
You see, every few years the market goes though dramatic changes. Changes in volatility, changes in range, changes in “time of day movements”.
These changes last for YEARS once they occur.
From around January 2008 the market was starting to give us signs that it was about to change. In September 2008 it finally put its foot down... it SHOUTED CHANGE!
We are in a new reality now.
We are in a new reality that is NOT going to change for quite a few years to come.
Not Only Has Forex MegaDroid™ Withstood the Test of Time in the “Old” Market Reality... Because of RCPTA Technology it has Adapted to the NEW Market Reality to the Tune of OVER 100% NET Profit Per Month...
Your future in Forex trading depends on how good the robot you use adapts to the new market reality.
The fact is, and we can say this because of our combined 38 year of Forex trading experience, there is no better time to make a fortune trading Forex.
Further, this reality is here to stay for a VERY long time.
Remember well the following 2 points:
I. Very Few Robots can adapt well to a new long term market condition
II. Of the ones that can, NOT ONE can see the immediate future and trade it with 95.82% accuracy over a long period of time.
Let's conclude all this...
Can you drive a normal car in rough terrain? NO.
Can you drive a 4 wheel drive car in rough terrain? YES.
Can you drive a 4 wheel drive car in normal terrain? YES.
I can't put it simpler than that! Forex MegaDroid is a “4 wheel drive car”... multi terrain, multi-performance!
Ok... if you are new to this wonderful business then the above looks like “Chinese” to you... we completely understand.
However... please pay close attention since what we have done will revolutionize the Forex industry... it will make some Forex brokers very unhappy...
It will finally give YOU, the home-based Forex trader, an UNFAIR advantage... an advantage absolutely no one will ever be able to take away from you.
Please pay close attention here...
Forex brokers make money from you, the trader. They make A LOT of money.
Now, most Forex brokers trade against you... this means that if you win, they lose. As simple as that.
Most people don't know this but it's the annoying reality: some unscrupulous Forex brokers will do anything they can so that you do not finish the race and claim a big prize.
Now... and this is key, as long as your robot is only averagely profitable, they wont bother you... they are not concerned with average robots.
They are only concerned with very profitable robots!
If you have a really profitable robot, some Forex brokers will do one (or more) of the following things once they spot that trades are being placed by that robot:
1. Close your account.
2. Raise the spread on the currency pair you are trading during the specific hours your robot trades (making the robot non-profitable).
3. Prevent you from trading with the robot EVEN if you already have a live account open.
Now... there are basically 2 main problems (until today!): One, it is hard to find a very profitable robot. Two, even after you find one, many times you can't enjoy its profit potential because of one or more of the above mentioned points.
Both John and I HATE (and have always HATED) Forex broker tricks... it irritates us... it takes us out of our minds.
This is our one-fingered salute to those unscrupulous Forex brokers:
With the help of Hector Lusting, we designed an internal mechanism for Forex MegaDroid that makes it 100% UNDETECTABLE to Forex brokers...
They SIMPLY can't know whether YOU or anyone else is trading with it. There is absolutely no trace whatsoever that a trade was places by the robot.
But it doesn't end there...
As I mentioned above, the bastards (sorry for the bad language but I am writing this and it truly irritates me to see what some of these guys do) try to narrow down the times at which a robot places trades.
So, as I explained earlier...
...if, for example, the robot places trades every day between 9 AM and 3 PM, they will raise the spread during those times for the specific currency pair (of course, only if enough people are trading the same robot during those hours).
Brokers can never ever use this little trick with Forex MegaDroid... why?
Well... simply because the robot trades randomly throughout the 24 hour trading sessions!
One day it might trade at 2 AM, next day at 5PM, the day after at 9AM and so on...
Forex MegaDroid is the only robot in existence where its profitability makes it a target for Forex brokers BUT THEY CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT!
No Forex Broker In The World Will Ever Know You Are Trading With Forex MegaDroid, No Forex Broker Will Ever Be Able To Stop Forex MegaDroid™ From At Least Quadrupling Every Dollar You Deposit ...
We established a new industry standard when it comes to installation and operation of a Forex Robot...
Why? Because We Wanted To Know Exactly How To Beat Every Installation Issue Out There...
We Wanted To Design A True “5 Minute” Install & Trade Solution.
Here's the story...
Every single Forex robot site we visited in the past 4 months or so had the same “impressive” claim: “download our robot, install and fire it up in under 5 minutes”.
Well... we KNOW it's possible to download and install a robot in under 5 minutes IF you explain to the user how to do it well enough.
BUT... we also saw that every Forex robot review we came across was very negative regarding ease of use... ease of installation.
Bottom line... we wanted to see what all these Forex robot vendors were doing wrong because, at the end of the day, it is a VERY simple process to install, operate and trade an FX robot.
The answer was actually quite simple...
They all took a simple concept and made it non-simple!
You can explain something 1,000 different ways. For example, you can explain to someone how to get from address A to address B taking the shorter route...
You can also explain to someone how to get from address A to address B using the longest route if YOU DO NOT KNOW the way to point B very well yourself!
Listen closely...
Downloading, Installing & Operating a Forex Robot is a Simple 5 Step Process...NO MORE, NO LESS.
And you have to really understand this...
Like with the addresses example above, you can make it a 50 step complicated and annoying process... or you can make it what it is, SIMPLE!
It all comes down to:
* How Well,
* How Accurate, and
* How Organized explain a process to a person.
So... are we qualified to claim that we can do the job MUCH better than any other person out there?
Are we qualified to say that we have actually achieved perfection when it comes to speed and ease of installation?
Well... you be the judge. Here is what we did....
Do you know what a focus group is? Well... it's quite simple.
A focus group is a group of people that are used to test a product, a products features, a marketing concept, etc.
Some of the biggest corporations in the world use focus groups for their product development process.
It's the only way to accurately test and find out what really works... it's the only way to know what really works best!
Anyway, we actually conducted tests via 2 separate focus groups.
We created what we believed was the most easy to understand and accurate installation & operation manual...
We then submitted it to the first focus group...
These were 25 people that have never EVER heard of the word Forex! No experience, no knowledge... complete beginners.
Results were impressive... it seemed we managed to nail the correct process of installation & operation in terms of speed, ease of use and understanding.
The average installation and operation time of the group was: 6 minutes and 23 seconds.
Great... but NOT good enough. Not nearly.
Not good enough because we knew that it is possible to get a complete new comer, someone with zero experience in Forex to download, install and operate the robot in less than 5 minutes.
So... the next step was to improve the way things were explained in the installation manual... to understand what “problems” the first focus group had and improve the process.
After perfecting the process... after spending a lot of time fine tuning it and making sure every single element is covered in the most efficient manner we submitted the robot to a second focus group (25 NEW people).
The results were astounding...
The Average Time From Download Of The Robot To Complete Installation And Operation Was Exactly:
4 Minutes And 21 Seconds!
More than 2 minutes faster than the first group's time!
Now do you understand why it is possible to shorten the distance from point A to point B by so much? Bottom line... it's all down to how well you explain to someone how to do something.
But why are we telling you about all this process we went through to perfect the installation and operation of Forex MegaDroid?
Because we want you to FULLY understand why we are the ONLY ones that can truly make the following claim:
So, that is our formal guarantee to YOU... that is the only guarantee in existence that is possible to make not due to an opinion but to facts... to actual testing and perfecting with random inexperienced focus groups.
Forex MegaDroid Robot
Click Here To read Full Story!
Frequent Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: The results of Forex MegaDroid are truly impressive. Can a robot really achieve such results?
A: If you would have asked us that question 2 years ago we would have said NO. However, as with any other industry, advances in technology change outlooks.
But it doesn't end there... it's not only technology that is responsible for new breakthrough performance. Advances in technology are just one piece of the puzzle - admittedly, a big piece.
New Artificial Intelligence advancements have made it possible for us to actually design a robot that sees into the near future with 95.82% accuracy. That is a HUGE step forward. Every single Forex robot in the market relies on seeing what happened in the past in order to base its decisions as to what to do in the future.
That old way of doing things is OVER.
Now, here is what is very important to understand. We humans design Artificial Intelligence, we feed it with information... not the other way around. Hence, performance is the direct results of the quality of information we feed it.
Our 38 years of combined Forex trading experience has allowed us to design the perfect strategy, on which Forex MegaDroid is based. Only experience can bring such quality in strategy design. Hector Lusting's 41 years of computer programming/information technology created the technology that allowed RCTPA to be an automatic, hands-free reality.
Q: How much money can I make with Forex MegaDroid?
A: To start, in 2009 the robot has already more than TRIPLED the initial deposit (since January 1st). It has achieved a 330.20% return. That is over 100% NET profit per month since the beginning of the year. In simple words, every dollar deposited has grown to over $3 to date.
But that's not enough...
Every year the robot has achieved unparalleled results: 623.47.84%, 612.91%, 333.05%, 810.70%, 677.67%...
This year we will hit the 1,000% NET profit mark because market personality has dramatically changed over at least the past 14 months and will remain like that for at least the next 2 years to come (we discussed this earlier).
Q: How much money do I need to start trading with the Robot?
A: You can start with literally any amount. In the download section we provide you with a list of brokers, some of whom will allow you to open a live account with as little as $5.
Q: Do I need to risk money to see if Forex MegaDroid™ works exactly as you show and explain?
A: Absolutely not!... and this is VERY important. First, you have 60 full days to do whatever you want with the robot. Test it, demo trade it, live trade it, back-test it as much as you want (to see that the results match EXACTLY what we present here). Don't like it? Return it! No hard feelings - No questions asked.
Second, you can open a demo account with a large number of Forex brokers and trade the robot with virtual money before you decide to go live. You don’t have to spend one single dollar to do this.
We are making this a truly risk free investment for you because we know this is the best Forex trading robot ever designed. We are confident in our product and therefore willing to back it up with whatever it takes.
Q: I have never traded Forex before, is the Forex MegaDroid™ robot for me?
A: Yes. If you know how to download a file, you can trade the Forex MegaDroid Robot. It's a “plug and play” type of system so just download it, install it and the robot starts trading for you. You don’t need to know anything about the Forex market or how to trade it.
Q: If many people trade with the robot, can that affect the robot’s accuracy and profitability?
A: This answer can be divided into 2 separate sections:
1. Lots of people still don’t realize just how huge the Forex market actually is – it’s the largest market in the world. It’s larger than ALL the stock, bond and futures markets in the world COMBINED! It’s estimated that every single day, something in the order of $3 TRILLION are traded in the Forex market. It’s extremely liquid, volatile and trades 5 days a week, 24 hours per day.
Effectively, the market is so huge that there’s room for everyone, and I mean EVERYONE! There could be 10,000 people or more trading with the Forex MegaDroid Robot and it wouldn’t affect its efficiency and accuracy in the slightest.
2. Forex MegaDroid has what we call a “Forex Broker Buster Mechanism”. This means that even unscrupulous brokers can never ever prevent you from profiting with the robot... in any way, shape or form! And this we absolutely GUARANTEE. We covered this issue extensively earlier.
This is the only robot in the market that has this in-built mechanism.
Q: Is it possible to see into the future with a 95.82% accuracy rate?
A: Yes, it is possible to accurately see future market behavior with such degree of accuracy rate only IF you are aiming at a short period of time, i.e. 2-4 hours forward.
The great news, this 2-4 hour window is all we need to nail amazing profitability rates... unheard of performance.
Forex MegaDroid bases its strategy on very short time frames. It's more of a scalper than a day or medium term trader.
RCTPA and the integration of advanced Artificial Intelligence has allowed us to push the boundaries further than any industry expert ever thought possible. We are proud of this accomplishment and any owner of this robot will certainly enjoy the extreme profits associated with it.
Q: If Forex MegaDroid™ is so profitable and accurate, why are you selling it?
A: We invented a new technology, a new way of trading Forex. What we have done is truly revolutionary by any industry standards and we want the recognition for it.
We want our names in the “Forex Hall of Fame”.
Why? Well... you know we have been involved in this industry for so many years. Myself since 1989, Albert since 1991. We have held many important positions, have been involved in many important projects. But it is now time to “tie the knot” so to speak! Time to prove we are MUCH more than 2 guys that have been trading Forex for a combined 38 years.
It all comes down to how you want people to remember you, what you have done and what you have contributed. This is our contribution, RCTPA is our way of revolutionizing the industry, Forex MegaDroid is what we will be recognized for in years to come.
Q: Is it really true that Forex MegaDroid is the only robot in the market that has an in-built mechanism that makes it invisible to Forex brokers?
A: Yes, that is true. We GURANTEE that no broker you trade the robot with will ever know you are trading with it. This enhanced capability of the robot will ensure that you will never be bothered by your broker in any sense, form or shape.
Forex MegaDroid is the only robot on the market that has this new “Broker Buster” mechanism ensuring you a smooth trading environment without any hustles or problems.
This is a groundbreaking advancement for us Forex traders and will be the new standard in the industry.
Q: What type of client support will I receive?
A: We are both very “quality support” oriented when it comes to our OWN purchasing, especially over the Internet. We HATE it when we get bad client support... it drives us crazy so we're sure you understand what we mean.
Hence, we made all the necessary arrangements so that you will get the absolute best support available in the industry, the type of support we would expect to get if we were buying something.
Yes, we know you hear this a lot and after you buy the product it's “game over” so to speak.
Well, please pay close attention:
Besides us both being available for whatever you might need, we actually hired AND trained a team of 5 people to focus SOLELY on supporting our clients. No matter what the question is, no matter what you need... our support will be fast, professional AND unconditional.
Again, this is very important for you to understand: We both hate it when we personally buy something over the Internet and get bad client support, especially when it comes to Forex. We WILL establish a new standard in client support, GUARANTEED.
The Price
Forex MegaDroid is the FIRST robot of its kind... it's not just a VERY profitable robot...
It's the first robot in the market that:
Uses The Brand New RCTPA Technology
Establishes A New Artificial Intelligence Frontier In The Industry
Is The First Robot That Is A True MULTI-MARKET Condition Performer
Is Capable Of Seeing Into The Immediate Future (2-4 Hours) With Uncanny Accuracy
WILL At Least Quadruple Your Deposit
Is truly Undetectable By ANY Forex Broker
As you can see, there is MUCH more to a Forex robot than it just being profitable... and Forex MegaDroid has it all.
How in the world do you price the most accurate and profitable income opportunity that’s proven its ability to generate astounding results month-after-month, year-after-year...hands-free?
It would certainly be much easier if the Forex MegaDroid Robot was “just another” robot like so many others out there.
But it's not. It’s the real deal. It’s what many people have been waiting for. It’s a true pass to financial freedom. A REAL way to grow wealthy.
We honestly believe that it’s a life changing solution.
Imagine tomorrow waking up naturally… no alarm clock, no stress, no commuting... no agenda. The day is yours to do as you please because you’re financially secure. Things happen on YOUR terms and not on somebody else's! Imagine being a “ghost” to Forex brokers... imagine being one of the few that can count on the “Broker Buster” technology.
The only thing you “have” to do is to check your account growth every day... the profits that keep on rolling in and building up.
It’s actually funny how one’s life can change in a matter of moments and how dealing with the hardships in life can be a thing of the past.
If we charged what the Forex MegaDroid Robot is truly worth, the only thing we would achieve is to put it out of the reach of 99% of the people reading this page because they couldn’t afford it. It’s that simple.
You know the reason why we are selling the robot - we told you that earlier but we'll say it again:
After 38 years of combined Forex trading experience we want to prove to the industry that we are the best... we want to leave a legacy... we want to be recognized by our peers.
What better way to achieve all that than to let people trade with our new technological advancement... let people SEE for themselves that we are responsible for taking Artificial Intelligence to the next level.
Our conclusion is...
If the number of robot users doesn’t affect the Forex MegaDroid Robot’s profitability, why not make it accessible to those that don't have $3,000, $5,000 or $10,000 (which we could easily charge for a Forex trading robot boasting such performance and technological advancements)?
Why not give others a chance to live a great life if it doesn't affect us or anyone else trading with the robot?
It’s a win-win situation for everyone...
With the above in mind, we decided to charge $149 for the Forex MegaDroid Robot. It's a fair price and affordable for most people.
As part of this special launch, the first 200 copies will be offered for an introductory price of $97 - no subscription - no ongoing payments whatsoever! We are excited about this launch and want you to enjoy it as well.
It's our gift to the first 200 lucky Forex MegaDroid Robot owners... take advantage of it!
NOTE: This is NOT a marketing gimmick. We ARE raising the price of the robot once the first 200 copies fly off the shelves.
One last thing...
We are shouldering all the risk...
We TRULY don’t want your money if you’re not 200% satisfied with the Forex MegaDroid Robot. Notice we said “200%”! It’s not enough for us to know that you’re only “happy”. We want you to be blown away and excited and we know we will achieve this.
Let's make this formal:
Take advantage of the time-limited, introductory price while you can.
If at ANY time within the next 60 days, for ANY reason at all, you aren’t happy with Forex MegaDroid™ then simply e-mail us and we’ll refund every cent of your purchase.
No questions asked, no ifs, no buts, no whys! Your satisfaction is our success and if we can't fulfil that then we don't want your money.
Click Image For Full Story!

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“Forex MegaDroid™ Indisputably Proves A
Robot Can Trade With 95.82% Accuracy In
EVERY SINGLE Market Condition And At Least
Quadruple Every Single Dollar YOU Deposit”
2009: 330.20%
(91 days)
2008: 623.84%
2007: 612.91%
2006: 333.05%
2005: 810.70%
2004: 677.67%
NOTE: Click Here For Trade-By-Trade Results
3rd April 2009 update: 57% NET Profit in the last 8 days!
Please, DO NOT Keep On Reading Before You Get To Know Who We Are, What We Do, And WHY We Can Back Up Our “Dollar Quadrupling” Claim Here...
Is The Search For The Perfect Forex Money Machine Over?
Is Our Automatic “Dollar Quadrupling” Claim Valid?
ONLY YOU Be The Judge...
Albert Perrie
Forex Trading Since 1989 (20 Years)
Co-Founder: Forex MegaDroid™
John Grace
Forex Trading Since 1991 (18 years)
Co-Founder: Forex MegaDroid™
Have you ever heard the term “two minds think better than one”?
Well... John and I have actually redefined that term:
“2 Professional Minds Can Produce What 1001 Unprofessional Minds Can't”
Average products are a result of average people...
Great products are a result of experience, thought, and long term dedication.
Some people learn this the hard way, some are intelligent enough to recognize good from bad... or, GREAT from bad.
If you took the time to view our video you damn well know what I am talking about. You know that experience, ESPECIALLY in Forex trading, is a vital element in advanced robot design.
I suppose that's the difference between those that succeed in what they do and those that don't: knowing the difference.
38 years of combined Forex trading experience have borne fruits... it has proven that outstanding frontier-breaking concepts can establish new standards... new records.
Both John and I have paid the right price for the right knowledge... and both you and I know that bottom line, it's all about knowledge. There is no way around it, perfection comes from knowledge.
Forex MegaDroid™ Is The Direct Outcome From 38 Years Of Learning And Experiencing... From Seeing What Works And What Doesn't...
... From Taking Working Concepts And Perfecting Them
To The Next Level
No matter how you look at it, it's all about taking things into the next level.
That is where extreme profits come from...
The Next Level In Automated Forex Robot Trading: Multi-Market Performance, Turning $1 Into $4 In EVERY Market Condition
38 years of combined Forex trading experience in the toughest trenches... in the most demanding jobs... has borne its fruits.
If you watched the video at the beginning of the page (which we truly recommend you do) you know a bit about us. You know that we paid our dues when it comes to Trading Forex...
Many people don't think about this but back then when we started out, all trading was done with absolutely no computer help...
Back then, you had to do all by yourself... you had to use your hands and eyes to learn, test, model and implement systems and strategies...
Today... things are much easier... but are they better? YES AND NO...
and this is very important, so please pay close attention...
Computers are great... they cut down the work load and they do things much faster. They process information 1 million times (or much more) than human beings can.
And that's a HUGE plus when you are designing Forex systems. The computer can see what the eye can't see... or better yet, the computer can find what the naked eye can't find.
Forex MegaDroid Robot
Click Here To read Full Story!
Great... so what's the problem?
Well... and pay VERY, VERY close attention here: computers are just computers... they work with the data that we humans feed them with... they operate on software that we humans design...
In plain English... THEY CAN'T THINK!
It's our job as humans to think... we then pass the “thought” to the computer and there is where the perfect combination lies!
Now... the QUALITY of “thought” we pass onto the computer is the difference between it producing outstanding results and just normal, average results.
Now, what is “quality of thought” in Forex trading?
That's right... in order for you to tell the computer what to do, what to process... what type of methods to implement... you have to have had enough experience in LEARNING how the Forex market behaves...
In the same way that you cannot walk into a kitchen without cooking experience and play the “chef” role, you have to “grow” as a visual and manual Forex trader to “feel” market characteristics before you can design an extremely profitable Forex robot...
Listen closely... any idiot can come and design a Forex robot... that's easy. Just go on Google and type “Forex robot” (well, you probably have by now!)... see how many results you see.
How many of these robots were designed with true Forex trading strategy design experience?
How many of these robots have a built-in strategy that derives from the designer actually knowing how the Forex market works... having true long term trading experience....
Or better yet...
How Many Of These Robots Have Been Designed By People That Actually Understand That A Truly Profitable Strategy Is One That Is Accurate In EVERY SINGLE Market Condition?
(I will cover the “every single market condition” part in just a moment)
I'll let you into a little secret...
Over 90% of Forex robots have been designed to work well in a specific market condition... either:
...a trending, non-trending, volatile or non-volatile market. That's it! No more to it my dear friend. That's how things are today... that's what you get when you buy most robots in today's market place.
John and I would have been fired after about 2 days from any of the Forex trading jobs we held over our many years if our approach to trading Forex was a “single market condition” approach.
The only way to CONSISTENTLY quadruple every single dollar deposited in your trading account is by having a robot that works with deadly accuracy in every single market condition.
Again ... Quadrupling Your Dollars =
Read the above sentence 50 times if you have to because that's the reality of this business.
Each business has it's own reality... in Forex, accurate multi-market condition performance is what rules... is what makes the crucial difference...
...commercial banks know it and that's why their Forex departments are around for so many years (producing unheard of profits, I might add!)
Forex MegaDroid™ Is The Outcome Of Our Personal 38 Years Of Combined Commercial Bank Trading Experience... You Can Count On The Best Of The Best... You Can Count On The Perfect (And Only) “Multi-Market” Forex Robot In The Market.
We are allowing Forex traders that want to succeed in this business to get 10 steps ahead of the competition... we are giving you the chance to access something for which there can be no price tag: EXPERIENCE.
2009: 330.20% (to date) • 2008: 623.84% • 2007: 612.91%
2006: 333.05% • 2005: 810.70% • 2004: 677.67%
• 2003: 656.52%• 2002: 441.28% • 2001: 597.54%
“Advanced Artificial Intelligence: Extreme Performance, Extreme Accuracy... Unheard Of CONSISTENCY... A New Artificial Intelligence Frontier Has Been Established...”
We are proud to be innovators... there is no other way to put it.
We are proud to be able to bring to the table what 38 years of combined Forex trading experience delivers...
Reverse Correlated Time And Price Analysis (RCTPA) Is our contribution to the Forex industry... it's what will take you from being an average Forex trader to a top gun pip pulling machine.
It's the first time Artificial Intelligence has been taken to the next level.
Scroll down for year-by-year, trade-by-trade results...
LIVE 2009 UPDATE: From Launch Of Forex MegaDroid To Date (April 3rd,2009) The Robot Increased The
Initial Deposit From 330.20% To 387%. That Is a 57% Net Increase In Profit In Only 8 Days!
So... Will We Break The 1,000% Barrier In 2009? YOU BE THE JUDGE!
You can view details of each individual year of trading - just click the year to view from the list below:
2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001
Use the "scrollbar" to view the list of tradesScroll here
Sometimes you have a revolutionary idea... a new concept in mind. You believe in it but, it's still just a concept.
That's what happen to us when we developed the Reverse Correlated Time And Price Analysis (RCTPA) theory.
You see... when you are an insider in this business you know exactly what the problem is when it comes to consistent performance.
We talked about this previously and I will say it again because this is KEY:
Performance In Forex Trading Has Been Limited (UNTIL TODAY)
Because Of Single-Market Condition Systems/Robots.
The typical scenario: A Forex robot performs extremely well for a certain period of time and then BOOM... you give all your profits away again.
Why? Because the market changed. Volatility changed. Behavior changed.
38 years of combined experience have taught us that there are 2 certainties in Forex trading:
A.) The Market Will Have A Different “Face” At Different Times...
B.) A Robot That Can't Deal With That Properly And Very Accurately Is Not
Worth The Time It Takes To Download It.
What ever you decide to do in your Forex trading, always take the above two points into consideration. Trust us, these two rules are non-negotiable!
Forex MegaDroid Robot
Click Here To read Full Story!
No matter How We Looked At It, The Only Way To Achieve Extremely Accurate “Multi-Market” Condition Performance is by employing a different method of analysis and technology.
We had Reverse Correlated Time And Price Analysis (RCTPA) figured out... trading it visually and manually it did exactly what we speculated it would do:
See Into The Immediate Future... See What WILL Happen In The Market With An 81.26% Accuracy Rate Over The Next 2-4 Hours...
And, by the way... we discussed this previously...
(and this is what every Forex robot designer doesn't get), a robot's performance is the direct result of the level of knowledge the trader has in market behavior...
This knowledge can only be acquired through long term experience, dedication and persistence.
Our job now was twofold:
1. Take RCPTA into the next level... 100% automated, hands-free trading.
2. Boost performance to levels never seen in the Forex industry before.
Why do we say “never seen in the Forex industry”?
Well... you have to understand one very important thing. When you are not known in an industry you can get away with average... you can get away with not being the best.
When you have 10's of years of experience AND you are known by key figures in the industry you have to PROVE yourself. In other words, you cannot afford not to be the best.
If Bill Gates produces some new software... if Tiger Woods produces a golf training product... if Warren Buffet produces a trading product... everyone in the relevant industry would expect the best....
NO... we are not comparing ourselves to these industry dominating figures, but we're sure you get the point.
The next frontier had to be broken... let me rephrase this - the next frontier HAS BEEN broken...
“Taking Artificial Intelligence To New
Technological Ground, Combining It With 38 Years Of Trading Experience And Knowledge To Produce A Robot That Sees Into The Future With Mind Blowing Accuracy: To The Tune Of 95.82% Accuracy”
MegaDroid™ was born and it validated our long term theory that it is possible to see into the immediate future with extreme accuracy...
That it is possible to take what we learned throughout 38 years and integrate it into the best Forex robot the industry had ever seen.
Bottom line, we produced solid PROOF that 95.82% accuracy is possible over a long period of time (consistency) ONLY if you can predict the immediate future...
...and ONLY if you can fuse new Artificial Intelligence technology and real, long term Forex trading experience...
To produce results like:
2009 Performance:
330.20% (91 days) 2008 Performance:
623.47.84% 2007 Performance:
2006 Performance:
333.05% 2005 Performance:
810.70% 2004 Performance:
2003 Performance:
656.52% 2002 Performance:
441.28% 2001 Performance:
What is the most important detail you have to understand from these results?
No... what is the difference between what you see here and what you will or have seen in ANY other Forex robot performance results?
Two things: consistency and incredible individual year performance.
If you are new to Forex you probably don't know the trick... so let me open your eyes a bit.... and please focus here since its one of the most important lessons you will learn.
Over 90% of Forex robots marketed provide you proof of top performance...something like this:
“Since 2006 XXXX Robot Has Nailed 1,476% Profit...”
Well, the claim might be true. The robot might have produced these type of results.
But... WHEN?
Did it produce them consistently and EVENLY throughout time? OR
Did it have ONE SINGLE period of great performance and that's it?
Can you see the difference between a robot producing consistent and even results throughout a long period of time and producing good results for ONLY a specific period?
The first one guarantees you will make money NOW, the other guarantees you lost the opportunity to make money! As simple as that...
For us, for the trained Forex professionals, it's obvious... for someone who just started out in this business, it's not.
I suppose some people have to learn this the hard way... spending money buying countless robots, depleting trading accounts, etc...
The smarter people do their math, they know how to look at things properly...
Forex MegaDroid ™ HAS Proven To Spit Out Unheard Of, Industry Breaking Performance, YEAR AFTER YEAR ...Steadily And Consistently Producing A Much As
100% NET Profit Per Month...
You know the saying “95% of Forex traders Lose... 5% WIN”.
Well, these 5% are those that did their homework... they were able to separate B.S. from what's real...
Most importantly though, they are able to understand the fact that real long term success is based on “experience-based” system design.
My friend, absolutely nothing beats experience... period!
Now, before we move on:
A Special Note of Appreciation to Hector Lusting...
Hector Lusting
B.A. In Computer Programming
Masters Degree In Information Technology
P.H.D In Applied Mathematics
41 Years Of Information
Technology/Programming Experience
Forex MegaDroid's strategy is a result of John and my 38 years of combined professional trading experience...
For taking the robot to automatic ground, applying advanced Artificial Intelligence technology to break a new frontier, we want to thank Hector Lusting.
Project “Forex MegaDroid” would have NOT been possible without Hector's contribution and for that we both would like to express our deepest appreciation.
I got to know Hector 12 years ago. He actually provided his professional programming and mathematical analysis skills to the bank I was working for.
He is the main contributor (technology side) for the 3 top systems my bank used to achieve unheard of performance and rake in insane profits.
I love Hector... he's one of those “old school” guys... a no nonsense, no B.S person... what you see is what you get (and trust me, you see A LOT and you get A LOT!).
A true mathematical genius, a genuine professional programmer...
Hector was our first choice when we were looking for someone to take the Artificial Intelligence frontier one step further...
Our bet paid off, BIG TIME!
Thank you Hector for your dedication, knowledge, persistence and for bearing with our months of constant "meddling".
“Grow your trading account by at least 1,000%”... A bold claim?
A bold claim is a claim that cannot be backed up with facts... it's a claim that has no solid grounds to back it up.
Not only is this NOT a bold claim... it's a claim that will be OUTPERFORMED.
From January 1st 2009 to date (3 months) Forex MegaDroid has nailed an astounding 330.20% profit...
That is OVER 100% PER MONTH in pure profit, in other words an account which started trading with the robot at the beginning of the year TRIPLED in size...
Why are the 2009 “account tripling” results so powerful?
Because of 3 simple and plain FACTS:
Fact #1: They Obviously Demonstrate That Forex MegaDroid Has Been Doing What It's Suppose To Do – Use Advanced Artificial Intelligence Based On RCPTA Technology To Produce Unheard Of 100%+ Profit Per Month
Fact #2: They are not “stand-alone” results. By this I mean that they are backed by 8 years of similar results.
Fact #3: They show with UNDISPUTABLE proof that the RCTPA technology is the new frontier in Forex trading... they show that it is possible to see into the immediate future with astounding accuracy.
Forex MegaDroid Robot
Click Here To read Full Story!
Now, we want to cover a very important point and I need your full attention...
The Forex market will not be what it was for a very long time to come.
Ok, I know you are confused now but let me explain this well because it is what will put YOU light years ahead of every Forex trader out there.
There is one unbreakable rule in trading: the market changes in personality and over 95% of traders see this only long after the fact occurred.
You see, every few years the market goes though dramatic changes. Changes in volatility, changes in range, changes in “time of day movements”.
These changes last for YEARS once they occur.
From around January 2008 the market was starting to give us signs that it was about to change. In September 2008 it finally put its foot down... it SHOUTED CHANGE!
We are in a new reality now.
We are in a new reality that is NOT going to change for quite a few years to come.
Not Only Has Forex MegaDroid™ Withstood the Test of Time in the “Old” Market Reality... Because of RCPTA Technology it has Adapted to the NEW Market Reality to the Tune of OVER 100% NET Profit Per Month...
Your future in Forex trading depends on how good the robot you use adapts to the new market reality.
The fact is, and we can say this because of our combined 38 year of Forex trading experience, there is no better time to make a fortune trading Forex.
Further, this reality is here to stay for a VERY long time.
Remember well the following 2 points:
I. Very Few Robots can adapt well to a new long term market condition
II. Of the ones that can, NOT ONE can see the immediate future and trade it with 95.82% accuracy over a long period of time.
Let's conclude all this...
Can you drive a normal car in rough terrain? NO.
Can you drive a 4 wheel drive car in rough terrain? YES.
Can you drive a 4 wheel drive car in normal terrain? YES.
I can't put it simpler than that! Forex MegaDroid is a “4 wheel drive car”... multi terrain, multi-performance!
Ok... if you are new to this wonderful business then the above looks like “Chinese” to you... we completely understand.
However... please pay close attention since what we have done will revolutionize the Forex industry... it will make some Forex brokers very unhappy...
It will finally give YOU, the home-based Forex trader, an UNFAIR advantage... an advantage absolutely no one will ever be able to take away from you.
Please pay close attention here...
Forex brokers make money from you, the trader. They make A LOT of money.
Now, most Forex brokers trade against you... this means that if you win, they lose. As simple as that.
Most people don't know this but it's the annoying reality: some unscrupulous Forex brokers will do anything they can so that you do not finish the race and claim a big prize.
Now... and this is key, as long as your robot is only averagely profitable, they wont bother you... they are not concerned with average robots.
They are only concerned with very profitable robots!
If you have a really profitable robot, some Forex brokers will do one (or more) of the following things once they spot that trades are being placed by that robot:
1. Close your account.
2. Raise the spread on the currency pair you are trading during the specific hours your robot trades (making the robot non-profitable).
3. Prevent you from trading with the robot EVEN if you already have a live account open.
Now... there are basically 2 main problems (until today!): One, it is hard to find a very profitable robot. Two, even after you find one, many times you can't enjoy its profit potential because of one or more of the above mentioned points.
Both John and I HATE (and have always HATED) Forex broker tricks... it irritates us... it takes us out of our minds.
This is our one-fingered salute to those unscrupulous Forex brokers:
With the help of Hector Lusting, we designed an internal mechanism for Forex MegaDroid that makes it 100% UNDETECTABLE to Forex brokers...
They SIMPLY can't know whether YOU or anyone else is trading with it. There is absolutely no trace whatsoever that a trade was places by the robot.
But it doesn't end there...
As I mentioned above, the bastards (sorry for the bad language but I am writing this and it truly irritates me to see what some of these guys do) try to narrow down the times at which a robot places trades.
So, as I explained earlier...
...if, for example, the robot places trades every day between 9 AM and 3 PM, they will raise the spread during those times for the specific currency pair (of course, only if enough people are trading the same robot during those hours).
Brokers can never ever use this little trick with Forex MegaDroid... why?
Well... simply because the robot trades randomly throughout the 24 hour trading sessions!
One day it might trade at 2 AM, next day at 5PM, the day after at 9AM and so on...
Forex MegaDroid is the only robot in existence where its profitability makes it a target for Forex brokers BUT THEY CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT!
No Forex Broker In The World Will Ever Know You Are Trading With Forex MegaDroid, No Forex Broker Will Ever Be Able To Stop Forex MegaDroid™ From At Least Quadrupling Every Dollar You Deposit ...
We established a new industry standard when it comes to installation and operation of a Forex Robot...
Why? Because We Wanted To Know Exactly How To Beat Every Installation Issue Out There...
We Wanted To Design A True “5 Minute” Install & Trade Solution.
Here's the story...
Every single Forex robot site we visited in the past 4 months or so had the same “impressive” claim: “download our robot, install and fire it up in under 5 minutes”.
Well... we KNOW it's possible to download and install a robot in under 5 minutes IF you explain to the user how to do it well enough.
BUT... we also saw that every Forex robot review we came across was very negative regarding ease of use... ease of installation.
Bottom line... we wanted to see what all these Forex robot vendors were doing wrong because, at the end of the day, it is a VERY simple process to install, operate and trade an FX robot.
The answer was actually quite simple...
They all took a simple concept and made it non-simple!
You can explain something 1,000 different ways. For example, you can explain to someone how to get from address A to address B taking the shorter route...
You can also explain to someone how to get from address A to address B using the longest route if YOU DO NOT KNOW the way to point B very well yourself!
Listen closely...
Downloading, Installing & Operating a Forex Robot is a Simple 5 Step Process...NO MORE, NO LESS.
And you have to really understand this...
Like with the addresses example above, you can make it a 50 step complicated and annoying process... or you can make it what it is, SIMPLE!
It all comes down to:
* How Well,
* How Accurate, and
* How Organized explain a process to a person.
So... are we qualified to claim that we can do the job MUCH better than any other person out there?
Are we qualified to say that we have actually achieved perfection when it comes to speed and ease of installation?
Well... you be the judge. Here is what we did....
Do you know what a focus group is? Well... it's quite simple.
A focus group is a group of people that are used to test a product, a products features, a marketing concept, etc.
Some of the biggest corporations in the world use focus groups for their product development process.
It's the only way to accurately test and find out what really works... it's the only way to know what really works best!
Anyway, we actually conducted tests via 2 separate focus groups.
We created what we believed was the most easy to understand and accurate installation & operation manual...
We then submitted it to the first focus group...
These were 25 people that have never EVER heard of the word Forex! No experience, no knowledge... complete beginners.
Results were impressive... it seemed we managed to nail the correct process of installation & operation in terms of speed, ease of use and understanding.
The average installation and operation time of the group was: 6 minutes and 23 seconds.
Great... but NOT good enough. Not nearly.
Not good enough because we knew that it is possible to get a complete new comer, someone with zero experience in Forex to download, install and operate the robot in less than 5 minutes.
So... the next step was to improve the way things were explained in the installation manual... to understand what “problems” the first focus group had and improve the process.
After perfecting the process... after spending a lot of time fine tuning it and making sure every single element is covered in the most efficient manner we submitted the robot to a second focus group (25 NEW people).
The results were astounding...
The Average Time From Download Of The Robot To Complete Installation And Operation Was Exactly:
4 Minutes And 21 Seconds!
More than 2 minutes faster than the first group's time!
Now do you understand why it is possible to shorten the distance from point A to point B by so much? Bottom line... it's all down to how well you explain to someone how to do something.
But why are we telling you about all this process we went through to perfect the installation and operation of Forex MegaDroid?
Because we want you to FULLY understand why we are the ONLY ones that can truly make the following claim:
So, that is our formal guarantee to YOU... that is the only guarantee in existence that is possible to make not due to an opinion but to facts... to actual testing and perfecting with random inexperienced focus groups.
Forex MegaDroid Robot
Click Here To read Full Story!
Frequent Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: The results of Forex MegaDroid are truly impressive. Can a robot really achieve such results?
A: If you would have asked us that question 2 years ago we would have said NO. However, as with any other industry, advances in technology change outlooks.
But it doesn't end there... it's not only technology that is responsible for new breakthrough performance. Advances in technology are just one piece of the puzzle - admittedly, a big piece.
New Artificial Intelligence advancements have made it possible for us to actually design a robot that sees into the near future with 95.82% accuracy. That is a HUGE step forward. Every single Forex robot in the market relies on seeing what happened in the past in order to base its decisions as to what to do in the future.
That old way of doing things is OVER.
Now, here is what is very important to understand. We humans design Artificial Intelligence, we feed it with information... not the other way around. Hence, performance is the direct results of the quality of information we feed it.
Our 38 years of combined Forex trading experience has allowed us to design the perfect strategy, on which Forex MegaDroid is based. Only experience can bring such quality in strategy design. Hector Lusting's 41 years of computer programming/information technology created the technology that allowed RCTPA to be an automatic, hands-free reality.
Q: How much money can I make with Forex MegaDroid?
A: To start, in 2009 the robot has already more than TRIPLED the initial deposit (since January 1st). It has achieved a 330.20% return. That is over 100% NET profit per month since the beginning of the year. In simple words, every dollar deposited has grown to over $3 to date.
But that's not enough...
Every year the robot has achieved unparalleled results: 623.47.84%, 612.91%, 333.05%, 810.70%, 677.67%...
This year we will hit the 1,000% NET profit mark because market personality has dramatically changed over at least the past 14 months and will remain like that for at least the next 2 years to come (we discussed this earlier).
Q: How much money do I need to start trading with the Robot?
A: You can start with literally any amount. In the download section we provide you with a list of brokers, some of whom will allow you to open a live account with as little as $5.
Q: Do I need to risk money to see if Forex MegaDroid™ works exactly as you show and explain?
A: Absolutely not!... and this is VERY important. First, you have 60 full days to do whatever you want with the robot. Test it, demo trade it, live trade it, back-test it as much as you want (to see that the results match EXACTLY what we present here). Don't like it? Return it! No hard feelings - No questions asked.
Second, you can open a demo account with a large number of Forex brokers and trade the robot with virtual money before you decide to go live. You don’t have to spend one single dollar to do this.
We are making this a truly risk free investment for you because we know this is the best Forex trading robot ever designed. We are confident in our product and therefore willing to back it up with whatever it takes.
Q: I have never traded Forex before, is the Forex MegaDroid™ robot for me?
A: Yes. If you know how to download a file, you can trade the Forex MegaDroid Robot. It's a “plug and play” type of system so just download it, install it and the robot starts trading for you. You don’t need to know anything about the Forex market or how to trade it.
Q: If many people trade with the robot, can that affect the robot’s accuracy and profitability?
A: This answer can be divided into 2 separate sections:
1. Lots of people still don’t realize just how huge the Forex market actually is – it’s the largest market in the world. It’s larger than ALL the stock, bond and futures markets in the world COMBINED! It’s estimated that every single day, something in the order of $3 TRILLION are traded in the Forex market. It’s extremely liquid, volatile and trades 5 days a week, 24 hours per day.
Effectively, the market is so huge that there’s room for everyone, and I mean EVERYONE! There could be 10,000 people or more trading with the Forex MegaDroid Robot and it wouldn’t affect its efficiency and accuracy in the slightest.
2. Forex MegaDroid has what we call a “Forex Broker Buster Mechanism”. This means that even unscrupulous brokers can never ever prevent you from profiting with the robot... in any way, shape or form! And this we absolutely GUARANTEE. We covered this issue extensively earlier.
This is the only robot in the market that has this in-built mechanism.
Q: Is it possible to see into the future with a 95.82% accuracy rate?
A: Yes, it is possible to accurately see future market behavior with such degree of accuracy rate only IF you are aiming at a short period of time, i.e. 2-4 hours forward.
The great news, this 2-4 hour window is all we need to nail amazing profitability rates... unheard of performance.
Forex MegaDroid bases its strategy on very short time frames. It's more of a scalper than a day or medium term trader.
RCTPA and the integration of advanced Artificial Intelligence has allowed us to push the boundaries further than any industry expert ever thought possible. We are proud of this accomplishment and any owner of this robot will certainly enjoy the extreme profits associated with it.
Q: If Forex MegaDroid™ is so profitable and accurate, why are you selling it?
A: We invented a new technology, a new way of trading Forex. What we have done is truly revolutionary by any industry standards and we want the recognition for it.
We want our names in the “Forex Hall of Fame”.
Why? Well... you know we have been involved in this industry for so many years. Myself since 1989, Albert since 1991. We have held many important positions, have been involved in many important projects. But it is now time to “tie the knot” so to speak! Time to prove we are MUCH more than 2 guys that have been trading Forex for a combined 38 years.
It all comes down to how you want people to remember you, what you have done and what you have contributed. This is our contribution, RCTPA is our way of revolutionizing the industry, Forex MegaDroid is what we will be recognized for in years to come.
Q: Is it really true that Forex MegaDroid is the only robot in the market that has an in-built mechanism that makes it invisible to Forex brokers?
A: Yes, that is true. We GURANTEE that no broker you trade the robot with will ever know you are trading with it. This enhanced capability of the robot will ensure that you will never be bothered by your broker in any sense, form or shape.
Forex MegaDroid is the only robot on the market that has this new “Broker Buster” mechanism ensuring you a smooth trading environment without any hustles or problems.
This is a groundbreaking advancement for us Forex traders and will be the new standard in the industry.
Q: What type of client support will I receive?
A: We are both very “quality support” oriented when it comes to our OWN purchasing, especially over the Internet. We HATE it when we get bad client support... it drives us crazy so we're sure you understand what we mean.
Hence, we made all the necessary arrangements so that you will get the absolute best support available in the industry, the type of support we would expect to get if we were buying something.
Yes, we know you hear this a lot and after you buy the product it's “game over” so to speak.
Well, please pay close attention:
Besides us both being available for whatever you might need, we actually hired AND trained a team of 5 people to focus SOLELY on supporting our clients. No matter what the question is, no matter what you need... our support will be fast, professional AND unconditional.
Again, this is very important for you to understand: We both hate it when we personally buy something over the Internet and get bad client support, especially when it comes to Forex. We WILL establish a new standard in client support, GUARANTEED.
The Price
Forex MegaDroid is the FIRST robot of its kind... it's not just a VERY profitable robot...
It's the first robot in the market that:
Uses The Brand New RCTPA Technology
Establishes A New Artificial Intelligence Frontier In The Industry
Is The First Robot That Is A True MULTI-MARKET Condition Performer
Is Capable Of Seeing Into The Immediate Future (2-4 Hours) With Uncanny Accuracy
WILL At Least Quadruple Your Deposit
Is truly Undetectable By ANY Forex Broker
As you can see, there is MUCH more to a Forex robot than it just being profitable... and Forex MegaDroid has it all.
How in the world do you price the most accurate and profitable income opportunity that’s proven its ability to generate astounding results month-after-month, year-after-year...hands-free?
It would certainly be much easier if the Forex MegaDroid Robot was “just another” robot like so many others out there.
But it's not. It’s the real deal. It’s what many people have been waiting for. It’s a true pass to financial freedom. A REAL way to grow wealthy.
We honestly believe that it’s a life changing solution.
Imagine tomorrow waking up naturally… no alarm clock, no stress, no commuting... no agenda. The day is yours to do as you please because you’re financially secure. Things happen on YOUR terms and not on somebody else's! Imagine being a “ghost” to Forex brokers... imagine being one of the few that can count on the “Broker Buster” technology.
The only thing you “have” to do is to check your account growth every day... the profits that keep on rolling in and building up.
It’s actually funny how one’s life can change in a matter of moments and how dealing with the hardships in life can be a thing of the past.
If we charged what the Forex MegaDroid Robot is truly worth, the only thing we would achieve is to put it out of the reach of 99% of the people reading this page because they couldn’t afford it. It’s that simple.
You know the reason why we are selling the robot - we told you that earlier but we'll say it again:
After 38 years of combined Forex trading experience we want to prove to the industry that we are the best... we want to leave a legacy... we want to be recognized by our peers.
What better way to achieve all that than to let people trade with our new technological advancement... let people SEE for themselves that we are responsible for taking Artificial Intelligence to the next level.
Our conclusion is...
If the number of robot users doesn’t affect the Forex MegaDroid Robot’s profitability, why not make it accessible to those that don't have $3,000, $5,000 or $10,000 (which we could easily charge for a Forex trading robot boasting such performance and technological advancements)?
Why not give others a chance to live a great life if it doesn't affect us or anyone else trading with the robot?
It’s a win-win situation for everyone...
With the above in mind, we decided to charge $149 for the Forex MegaDroid Robot. It's a fair price and affordable for most people.
As part of this special launch, the first 200 copies will be offered for an introductory price of $97 - no subscription - no ongoing payments whatsoever! We are excited about this launch and want you to enjoy it as well.
It's our gift to the first 200 lucky Forex MegaDroid Robot owners... take advantage of it!
NOTE: This is NOT a marketing gimmick. We ARE raising the price of the robot once the first 200 copies fly off the shelves.
One last thing...
We are shouldering all the risk...
We TRULY don’t want your money if you’re not 200% satisfied with the Forex MegaDroid Robot. Notice we said “200%”! It’s not enough for us to know that you’re only “happy”. We want you to be blown away and excited and we know we will achieve this.
Let's make this formal:
Take advantage of the time-limited, introductory price while you can.
If at ANY time within the next 60 days, for ANY reason at all, you aren’t happy with Forex MegaDroid™ then simply e-mail us and we’ll refund every cent of your purchase.
No questions asked, no ifs, no buts, no whys! Your satisfaction is our success and if we can't fulfil that then we don't want your money.
Click Image For Full Story!

Sunday, 8 February 2009
Forex Trading Robots - Their Exploding Usage in Trading Foreign Currencies by Watson Fru Nji
There is no doubt that the Foreign exchange market is among the fastest growing market in the world today. Trading volumes of these markets are growing in an arithmetic progression every year. Traditional daily turnover in Forex markets were reported to be over US $3.2 trillion in April 2007. With this figure alone, no one should tell you how liquid Forex markets really are.
Trading Forex is a very difficult and risky task. But given the huge amount of profits available in this market, people are flooding it on a daily basis with the aim of making some extra or full income from Trading Forex. But you should always take special care when getting in to such markets because: where there are big profits to be made, there is always the possibility of big losses as well.
In any efficient economy, there would always be a supply to every demand. Given the complexity involved in trading in the Forex markets, there are quite a number of people who don't know enough about Foreign exchange markets but are interested in trading foreign currencies. Special software called Forex robots have been designed which could greatly reduce this complicated process involved in Forex trading.
Most of these software are called Forex robots, meaning that they are capable of instructing you exactly on what to do in what circumstance. For example, the robot may instruct its user to sell a particular currency, and buy another currency based on the market data analysis made.
While these robots could be right in most cases depending on the mark, it is good to take note that they are not always correct. The Forex market is actually beyond the reasoning scope of even a Forex robot. That is why no one can say with certainty that they can trade Forex without some losses here and there.
Since Forex indicators have been programmed to run on some given pre- market indicators which have been judge by experts as key indicators preceding key events, it can be a wise idea to take a look at them if we intend to trade this very liquid market.
Go ahead, click and Read More and Discover how Powerful Forex Invasion Really is!
Trading Forex is a very difficult and risky task. But given the huge amount of profits available in this market, people are flooding it on a daily basis with the aim of making some extra or full income from Trading Forex. But you should always take special care when getting in to such markets because: where there are big profits to be made, there is always the possibility of big losses as well.
In any efficient economy, there would always be a supply to every demand. Given the complexity involved in trading in the Forex markets, there are quite a number of people who don't know enough about Foreign exchange markets but are interested in trading foreign currencies. Special software called Forex robots have been designed which could greatly reduce this complicated process involved in Forex trading.
Most of these software are called Forex robots, meaning that they are capable of instructing you exactly on what to do in what circumstance. For example, the robot may instruct its user to sell a particular currency, and buy another currency based on the market data analysis made.
While these robots could be right in most cases depending on the mark, it is good to take note that they are not always correct. The Forex market is actually beyond the reasoning scope of even a Forex robot. That is why no one can say with certainty that they can trade Forex without some losses here and there.
Since Forex indicators have been programmed to run on some given pre- market indicators which have been judge by experts as key indicators preceding key events, it can be a wise idea to take a look at them if we intend to trade this very liquid market.
Go ahead, click and Read More and Discover how Powerful Forex Invasion Really is!
A Forex Trading Mistake You Should Not Make - The Main Reason Why People Fail in Their Forex Trading
Many people fall into this trap when they start trading Forex. They go in with so much excitement. There is a lot of hype in the Forex industry and you will find many people telling you left and right how you can stat making thousands of dollars after 10 Forex trading days. That is simple not true. Making money from trading Forex will take some time, and hard work.
Another reason people fail in the Forex industry is the lack of training. Many people think that knowing the names of the major currencies in the world is enough for them to start buying and selling them. It takes a lot more than that, and unless you are ready to seat down and learn the trends and movements of the various markets, you would find it difficult to make money from trading Forex. My advice to you is not to go into Forex trading unprepared. Buy some cheap Forex manuals, read and understand what it is all about before you step foot in it.
Set your expectations low. This is a very vital point in trading Forex. If you go in to Forex trading with a lot of expectation, you will probably give up quickly. Because of the hype existing on the internet about trading currencies, many people think they would start making huge sums of money once they set up an a Forex Trading account. Well that is actually possible, but only if you have spend some time to study and understand exactly what you are getting into. Success can never come easy. There is no free money anywhere; you have to work for it. And be ready to learn and learn, make mistakes, correct them and keep on improving at all times.
Go ahead, click and Read More and Discover how Powerful Forex Invasion Really is!
Another reason people fail in the Forex industry is the lack of training. Many people think that knowing the names of the major currencies in the world is enough for them to start buying and selling them. It takes a lot more than that, and unless you are ready to seat down and learn the trends and movements of the various markets, you would find it difficult to make money from trading Forex. My advice to you is not to go into Forex trading unprepared. Buy some cheap Forex manuals, read and understand what it is all about before you step foot in it.
Set your expectations low. This is a very vital point in trading Forex. If you go in to Forex trading with a lot of expectation, you will probably give up quickly. Because of the hype existing on the internet about trading currencies, many people think they would start making huge sums of money once they set up an a Forex Trading account. Well that is actually possible, but only if you have spend some time to study and understand exactly what you are getting into. Success can never come easy. There is no free money anywhere; you have to work for it. And be ready to learn and learn, make mistakes, correct them and keep on improving at all times.
Go ahead, click and Read More and Discover how Powerful Forex Invasion Really is!
Monday, 26 January 2009
Get Fapturbo and Start Profiting From Forex Trading.
Having bought several e-books and software in Forex Trading, I was extremely impressed with the quality of Fapturbo Trading Robot. This is certainly the best software in its category”.
Let a Robot do the work for you, while you seat and relax.
Click here to Get Fapturbo Forex Trading Robot Now!
Let a Robot do the work for you, while you seat and relax.
Click here to Get Fapturbo Forex Trading Robot Now!
The Basics of Forex Trading
Everyone is familiar with foreign exchange when it comes to buying holiday money. We know that when you sell it back, you get a worse rate and we know that the day after we buy our holiday money, we could have got a better rate! In other words, there is a difference between the buying and selling rate, and the exchange rate varies from day to day. If we can buy cheap and wait for the price to rise, profits can be made (if we can clear the difference between the buy and the sell price). For example, today the bank is selling 1.85 dollars to the pound and buying them back at 1.95 to the pound. So, their margin is a huge 5.4%. That means we’d have to wait for an enormous 6% change to make any profit – that would take a while! If I look at the rates offered by my Forex trading software, it is 1.9632 and 1.9636 respectively, which is a much nicer 0.02% or 300 times better.
At the bank, the rate usually changes once or twice a day. In the Forex market, it changes every few seconds. Clearly, it is very easy to catch a fraction of a percent change in price and take a profit. Conversely, it is also very easy for the market to move against us by a fraction of a percent and give us a loss. Losing money is always easier than making it!
With Forex trading, we don’t have to actually buy and sell the currency; it is a paper transaction only. It must be clear that we would have to purchase tens of thousands of dollars worth to make a profit on a quarter percent movement. Trading allows us to buy at so much per ‘point’, a point being usually 0.0001 of a dollar. This means we can have the profit (or loss) on ten thousand times the point value. In other words, if we trade at 10 pounds or dollars a point, we are effectively buying or selling 100,000 pounds or dollars worth – serious money. £100 a point gives us a million pounds worth of currency. We can be big time players! Traditional brokers trade in ‘contracts’ or ‘mini contracts’ which is more limiting and less suitable for the beginner. A mini contract of 0.1 generally equates to $1 a pip.
Since we can buy or sell with equal ease, whether a particular currency rises or falls makes no difference to our percentage profit. This is an important new concept. In trading, you can sell before you buy! The same applies to any ‘futures’ market where we are basically speculating on the future condition of that market. You can sell futures of shares, commodities (gold, orange juice, lead) or currency pairs (pound against dollar, euro against yen) before you buy to close the trade. In this way, we can make money from falling markets just the same as rising markets. In effect, we are selling to our broker with a promise to buy it back later (when we close the trade).
Go ahead, click and Read More and Discover how Powerful Forex Invasion Really is!
So, if we think the exchange rate on any currency pair (eg. euro against the dollar or EUR/USD) will fall, we sell to open the trade. This will be for so much per pip (smallest numerical price change), for example $5 a pip. If the price is quoted as 1.5482/84 that means that we can buy the euro against the dollar for 1.5484 or sell it for 1.5482 - the 2 pips difference going in the broker's pocket. That means the instant we open a trade, we are $10 down (2 pips spread X our $5 a pip). To close the trade we do the opposite for the same value per pip. In other words, if we buy to open the trade, we sell to close it and vice versa. Most trading platforms have a simple 'close trade' button which does it all for you.
We should always limit our risk by placing a 'stop' when we open the trade - for example 20 pips against us. For example, if we buy at 1.5484, our stop would be at 1.5464 and will close the trade automatically for $100 loss (20 X $5). In the other direction, we place a 'take profit' or a limit order, say for 30 pips. So we place our limit at 1.5514 to give us $150 profit. Ideally, we must have a broker or spread bet company that opens and closes trades at the price shown with a simple click of the mouse. The price we see should be the price we get! This is particularly important if we want to manually close the trade rather than wait for our stop or limit to be hit.
Many people like to compare futures trading with gambling and there are indeed many similarities. However, there are a couple of vital differences. The first is that with any kind of gambling, the statistics say we will lose in the long run – the odds are deliberately stacked against us in favour of the house or bookmaker. The second is that with all gambling, the bet is placed and we have no choice but to wait for the outcome.
With Forex trading, the odds are 50:50, less the very small broker’s margin. When we enter a trade (place the bet) we have the choice of exiting any time we wish from one second later to weeks or months later. Imagine a horse race where you could place a bet and click a button at any stage to close your bet. Perhaps, after a hundred metres, your horse is in third place and you have the choice of getting out for 5% profit rather than risk a complete loss. You wait and ten seconds later, it’s in second place and you are offered 25% profit. Maybe just before the finishing post he is contesting fourth place and gaining but you are offered a certain 2% - what do you do and when? Worse, halfway round it’s in sixth place and you can take a 50% loss, and so on. This is the trader’s dilemma and is the reason why most people make a loss!
Experience teaches us that most of our trades would make a profit if only we had the guts to hold on – sometimes for days! Practice demonstrates that we don’t have the nerve and would rather take a small loss. The most important thing to master in trading is the emotional aspect and to train ourselves to go against our natural inclinations. We are programmed to quit quickly when we have a small profit, yet stand like a rabbit in headlights as our losses increase - to the point where our emotions cause us to quit with a bigger loss than that small win.
This is where any sensible system can be a huge advantage if it tells us when to open and close trades. By sticking to a set of rules, we can override our motions and trade like a robot! This is incredibly hard to do with real money (as opposed to demo trading with play money) and we all have our weaknesses. Mine is closing trades too early. It is my nature to pocket 10 certain pips rather than hang on for the more sensible 30 pips profit.
So, not only do we need an effective method that tells us when to open and close a trade, we need some serious coaching on how to master our natural reactions to the stresses of seeing our losses and our excitement at seeing our profits. Unfortunately, waiting to take money from us are thousands of bullshitters who only make money from selling their feeble trading (and gambling) systems and signals services. Not from actual trading. It's a minefield!
The fact is that, much of the time, the market is quite unpredictable and moves are random. Traders quite commonly have half a dozen indicators in an attempt to get a clear trade signal - up or down. If only it were so simple! Often, when it does work it is just luck and any longish run of luck will be perceived as a result of having a good system or the skill of the trader. Failed trades then become seen as bad luck. Newcomers always want a precise set of rules to follow but, quite obviously, no such set of rules exist. There can be a general set of rules and some sort of indicator but, in the end, the trader must develop some skill, exercise discretion and use good money management.
The wonderful thing about trading is that it is scaleable. Start trading with peanut money and prove you can make a profit, and then you can increase your stake up to really serious money. Being British, I trade in pounds sterling. My ‘broker’ allows a minimum of £1 a point, which only requires a minimum of around £50 capital to place a trade and a sensible minimum working fund of £300. This should make you at least £20 to £50 a week. The maximum is £100 a point (some have almost no limit), which requires £25,000 capital and should make you a several thousand pounds a week. If you trade using one of the excellent spread betting companies, this is legally tax free all for a few hours work!
If You are serious about marking money from forex trading, then fapturbo is the best product you can find in the forex trading category as for the moment. People just like you are busy using fapturbo on daily basis and are making huge sums of money just trading forex. Grab a copy of fapturbo now!
At the bank, the rate usually changes once or twice a day. In the Forex market, it changes every few seconds. Clearly, it is very easy to catch a fraction of a percent change in price and take a profit. Conversely, it is also very easy for the market to move against us by a fraction of a percent and give us a loss. Losing money is always easier than making it!
With Forex trading, we don’t have to actually buy and sell the currency; it is a paper transaction only. It must be clear that we would have to purchase tens of thousands of dollars worth to make a profit on a quarter percent movement. Trading allows us to buy at so much per ‘point’, a point being usually 0.0001 of a dollar. This means we can have the profit (or loss) on ten thousand times the point value. In other words, if we trade at 10 pounds or dollars a point, we are effectively buying or selling 100,000 pounds or dollars worth – serious money. £100 a point gives us a million pounds worth of currency. We can be big time players! Traditional brokers trade in ‘contracts’ or ‘mini contracts’ which is more limiting and less suitable for the beginner. A mini contract of 0.1 generally equates to $1 a pip.
Since we can buy or sell with equal ease, whether a particular currency rises or falls makes no difference to our percentage profit. This is an important new concept. In trading, you can sell before you buy! The same applies to any ‘futures’ market where we are basically speculating on the future condition of that market. You can sell futures of shares, commodities (gold, orange juice, lead) or currency pairs (pound against dollar, euro against yen) before you buy to close the trade. In this way, we can make money from falling markets just the same as rising markets. In effect, we are selling to our broker with a promise to buy it back later (when we close the trade).
Go ahead, click and Read More and Discover how Powerful Forex Invasion Really is!
So, if we think the exchange rate on any currency pair (eg. euro against the dollar or EUR/USD) will fall, we sell to open the trade. This will be for so much per pip (smallest numerical price change), for example $5 a pip. If the price is quoted as 1.5482/84 that means that we can buy the euro against the dollar for 1.5484 or sell it for 1.5482 - the 2 pips difference going in the broker's pocket. That means the instant we open a trade, we are $10 down (2 pips spread X our $5 a pip). To close the trade we do the opposite for the same value per pip. In other words, if we buy to open the trade, we sell to close it and vice versa. Most trading platforms have a simple 'close trade' button which does it all for you.
We should always limit our risk by placing a 'stop' when we open the trade - for example 20 pips against us. For example, if we buy at 1.5484, our stop would be at 1.5464 and will close the trade automatically for $100 loss (20 X $5). In the other direction, we place a 'take profit' or a limit order, say for 30 pips. So we place our limit at 1.5514 to give us $150 profit. Ideally, we must have a broker or spread bet company that opens and closes trades at the price shown with a simple click of the mouse. The price we see should be the price we get! This is particularly important if we want to manually close the trade rather than wait for our stop or limit to be hit.
Many people like to compare futures trading with gambling and there are indeed many similarities. However, there are a couple of vital differences. The first is that with any kind of gambling, the statistics say we will lose in the long run – the odds are deliberately stacked against us in favour of the house or bookmaker. The second is that with all gambling, the bet is placed and we have no choice but to wait for the outcome.
With Forex trading, the odds are 50:50, less the very small broker’s margin. When we enter a trade (place the bet) we have the choice of exiting any time we wish from one second later to weeks or months later. Imagine a horse race where you could place a bet and click a button at any stage to close your bet. Perhaps, after a hundred metres, your horse is in third place and you have the choice of getting out for 5% profit rather than risk a complete loss. You wait and ten seconds later, it’s in second place and you are offered 25% profit. Maybe just before the finishing post he is contesting fourth place and gaining but you are offered a certain 2% - what do you do and when? Worse, halfway round it’s in sixth place and you can take a 50% loss, and so on. This is the trader’s dilemma and is the reason why most people make a loss!
Experience teaches us that most of our trades would make a profit if only we had the guts to hold on – sometimes for days! Practice demonstrates that we don’t have the nerve and would rather take a small loss. The most important thing to master in trading is the emotional aspect and to train ourselves to go against our natural inclinations. We are programmed to quit quickly when we have a small profit, yet stand like a rabbit in headlights as our losses increase - to the point where our emotions cause us to quit with a bigger loss than that small win.
This is where any sensible system can be a huge advantage if it tells us when to open and close trades. By sticking to a set of rules, we can override our motions and trade like a robot! This is incredibly hard to do with real money (as opposed to demo trading with play money) and we all have our weaknesses. Mine is closing trades too early. It is my nature to pocket 10 certain pips rather than hang on for the more sensible 30 pips profit.
So, not only do we need an effective method that tells us when to open and close a trade, we need some serious coaching on how to master our natural reactions to the stresses of seeing our losses and our excitement at seeing our profits. Unfortunately, waiting to take money from us are thousands of bullshitters who only make money from selling their feeble trading (and gambling) systems and signals services. Not from actual trading. It's a minefield!
The fact is that, much of the time, the market is quite unpredictable and moves are random. Traders quite commonly have half a dozen indicators in an attempt to get a clear trade signal - up or down. If only it were so simple! Often, when it does work it is just luck and any longish run of luck will be perceived as a result of having a good system or the skill of the trader. Failed trades then become seen as bad luck. Newcomers always want a precise set of rules to follow but, quite obviously, no such set of rules exist. There can be a general set of rules and some sort of indicator but, in the end, the trader must develop some skill, exercise discretion and use good money management.
The wonderful thing about trading is that it is scaleable. Start trading with peanut money and prove you can make a profit, and then you can increase your stake up to really serious money. Being British, I trade in pounds sterling. My ‘broker’ allows a minimum of £1 a point, which only requires a minimum of around £50 capital to place a trade and a sensible minimum working fund of £300. This should make you at least £20 to £50 a week. The maximum is £100 a point (some have almost no limit), which requires £25,000 capital and should make you a several thousand pounds a week. If you trade using one of the excellent spread betting companies, this is legally tax free all for a few hours work!
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